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Interactive tree of Alexander Cam Mackenzie

Alexander Cam Mackenzie 1611
Alexander Mackenzie V of Gairloch 15771638
Margaret Mackenzie
Isabell (Of Coul) Mackenzie
John Roy Mackenzie 15481628
Elizabeth Macdonell
Isobel Mackenzie
unknown name Fraser
John Glassigh Mackenzie II of Gairloch 15131550
Janet Agnes Frazer 15151576
Hector Roy Mackenzie I of Gairloch 14601528
Margaret Macdonald
James Frazer 1544
Angus Aluinn Macalister Macdonell 7th of Glengarry 1500
John Stewart 3rd Earl of Atholl (1457 Creation) 15071542
Murdoch Mackenzie
Roderic Mor Mackenzie I
Florence Munro
Robert Munro XV Baron of Fowlis
Alexander Mackenzie