WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

John Stodgell, 16151690 (aged 75 years)

John /Stodgell/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: before 1615 Stoke St Gregory, Somerset, England
Death: about 1690Spottsylvania County, Virginia, USA
Family with Franks
Birth: before 1615 Stoke St Gregory, Somerset, England
Death: about 1690Spottsylvania County, Virginia, USA
6 years
Birth: 1665 50 Essex County, Virginia, USA
Death: 1732Essex County, Virginia, USA
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a father
Reference number
Reference number
Unique identifier
Last change
21 April 201311:05:44
Author of last change: Danny

John Stodgell signed a voluntary indenture to James Hurd who brought him from St. Stokes parish of Somerset County England in 1650. John was granted 100a of land on the completion of his seven year indenture. James Hurd was granted 1000a under the "headright" program for paying for the transport of 10 men to Virginia. John first appeared on the tax records of Essex county in 1659 so it appears that he probably married and established his own home by that time.

The records of the North Pemberton Parish of Somerset County, England show that a <b>John Stodgell</b>, son of Richard Stodgell, was christained there in 1615. He was probably the progenitor of the Sturgill family in America, but this is not proven. The first appearance of the name in America is in the record of an inquest held in Jamestown VA in 1636 when William Stodgel was found dead. the town buried him as he had no known relatives, so we know he was not a direct ancestor even though he may have been the first of the family to come to America.
The name next appears when James Hurd brought John Stogdel from St. Stokes parish of Somerset Co. England to Essex Co. Va in 1650 under the "headright" system. John Stogdel signed a voluntary indenture of seven years service to pay for his transportation after which he was granted 100 acres of land. Tax records show that he owned 100a on the waters ofthe "potowmack" river in 1659. these records show that this land was on Piscataway creek in present Spottsylvania county and it is believed that John lived out his life there and died about 1690. **
It is not known who John married but there are several indications thatshe may have been a FRANKS. Families of this name did live in the area.
As there were no other men with the same or similar name in the area atthat time the two listed are believed to be sons of John. There probably were some daughters also but no record of them has been found. - pg 29

** Piscataway creek empties into the Rappahonnock River not the Potomac. -pg 29
NOTE: (THS) Online research does not indicate a Pemberton or North Pemberton parish in Somerset. Pemberton is in Lancashire to the north, Somerset is a maritime county to the west. There is however, a North PETHERTON parish in Somerset. This appears to be a transcription error. Also,there is not a St. Stokes, but is a Stoke St Mary Magdalin ('Stoke' apparently meaning village.) This parish, in the 'hundred' of Taunton, does contain records of the Stodgell surname. I hope to get microfische of the parish records from the early 1600s to transcribe. Records from the late 1600s are online and show numerous Stodgell baptisms, marriages, and burials.