WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Gudrod King of Westfold, 738810 (aged 72 years)

Gudrod King of /Westfold/
Given names
Gudrod King of
Also known as
King of Westfold Vermaland Vingulmark /Roumarike/
Family with parents
Family with Asa Haroldsdottir Storrada of Agdir
Birth of a son
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a brother
Death of a father
810 (aged 72 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
23 January 200719:13:50

Per Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (243A:15), he was known as "the
magnificent" and "the hunting king". He was king of Vermland, Vestfold, &Vingulmark. He was murdered at the instigation of his second wife, ASA,in revenge for forcibly abducting her and killing her father and brother.Gudrod's 1st wife was Alfhilde, dau of Alfrin, the ruler of Vingulmark.
Regarding Gudrod's parentage, Moriarity calls him the son of Halfdan"white leg" and Asa wheras Sturleson says he was whiteleg's greatgrandson.
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (166:40) shows him as son of a differentHalfdan (RIN 4784*), citing Moncreiffe (chart 35, p.109), of whom hesays: "Though the work carries no bibliography, Moncrieff was anoutstanding authority, and pending proof otherwise, may well beconsidered correct. Moncrieffe is in agreement with Sturluson." Most
sources omit this generation.

Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (166:42) says of his great uncle of thesame name: "The magnificent"; King of Vestfold & Roumarike; ruled inNorway & Denmark; probably the "Godfrey the Proud" (and so identified byMontcrieffe) of the Franks who opposed the EMPORER CHARLEMAGNE.

Todd A. Farmerie posted to
soc.genealogy.medieval on 22 Jul 1998 (in part)
Subject: Re: Ancestors of Harald Haragre to Olav Tretelgja
". . . That being said, I will comment on the missing generations. Thesource for this is a fragment of "Ynglingatal" repeated in Snorri's_Heimskringla_. Snorri wrote his work about 400 years after the events itis describing. It tells of Olaf Tree-Cutter founding Norway, and passingit to his son Halfdan Whiteleg. Halfdan had sons Eystein and Gudrod.Eystein had a son Halfdan. He was followed by Gudrod, son of Halfdan, andhe was father of Olaf, father of Ragnevald, for whom the original poemwas composed. . The classical reconstruction is that this is a straightshot (Olaf- Halfdan- Eystein- Halfdan- Gudrod- Olaf- Ragnevald). However,it has been suggested that Gudrod, son of Halfdan Whiteleg sticks outlike a sore thumb. He neither succeeded, nor is there any reason for himbeing mentioned at all (no other "other sons" are mentioned). Maybe, thespeculation runs, he is the Gudrod Halfdanson who later became king -that Halfdan Eysteinson was followed not by his son, but by his uncle."