WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Philip deForest, 1652

Philip /deForest/
Given names
Family with parents
-10 years
elder brother
2 years
elder sister
4 years
elder sister
2 years
elder brother
5 years
younger brother
9 years
younger brother
-6 years
younger brother
Birth: 9 September 1657 41 32
Death: 1715
-11 years
elder brother
13 months
elder brother
7 months
elder brother
13 years
younger brother
Father’s family with Jacqueline Noiret
father’s partner
28 July 1652 36 27
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Death of a brother
Unique identifier
Last change
21 April 200920:17:09
Author of last change: Danny


Philip DeForeest, Isaac's son was born July 28, 1652 in New Amsterdam.Philip eventually settled in Beverwyck, NY. Today, Beverwyck is known asAlbany, NY. It is here that the name was once again transformed. DeFreestbecame the common spelling of the deForest name in the Albany area of NewYork State. It was in Greenbush, NY, across the Hudson River from Albany,that most of the DeFreest family had lived. It is in their honor that theHamlet of DeFreestville recieved its name. Philip did have three brothersthat carried on the family name in Connecticut, New York City and LongIsland, NY. Isaac was born April 25, 1655 in New Amsterdam and continuedto live and raise his family in New Amsterdam. His branch basically keptthe spelling DeForeest. Hendrick was born September 9, 1657 in NewAmsterdam and is the founder of the Long Island branch. The spelling hereis found as deForest and DeForeest. The last born David, born September7, 1669 in New York City was the founder of the Stratford, Connecticutbranch. Here the spelling of the name is deForest. There are someexceptions to these findings. But for the most part, this is what hasbeen found to be MOST consistent. To say that you won't find someone withthe spelling deForest in Albany is wrong. The name DeFreest even wentthrough a small transformation during the early 1800's to DeFriest. Inany case, it really doesn't matter how you spell the name. We are allfrom the same family.