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Alain Caignhart Count of Cornouaille, 1058

Alain Caignhart Count of /Cornouaille/
Given names
Alain Caignhart Count of
Family with parents
Family with Judith of Nantes
Unique identifier
Last change
23 January 200719:13:58

Stewart Baldwin posted to
soc.genealogy.medieval on 29 Nov 1996:
Subject: Re: Brittany/Cornouille connection ?
When Anselme's "Histoire genealogique de la maison royale de France, etdes grands officiers de la couronne" was written in 1674, and the revisedversions were done in the next century, the authors were apparently justas concerned about the lack of good references regarding the early Bretonlines, and their main account starts with Conan I, with only a briefdiscussion of the earlier generations. The main account of the counts ofCornouaille statrs with Alain Caignart, although there are a fewsentences taking the line back to his grandfather, which is outlinedbelow.

The "Dictionnaire de Biographie Francaise", vol. 1, in the article onAlain Caignart, gives a good bibliography, some of which appear to beprimary sources. For the interest of those who want to follow thisproblem to the sources (and have the library access to support thisdesire), I have listed DBF's sources below.
The counts of Cornouaille (who were apparently in some cases also bishopsof Cornouaille - I guess the prohibition against married clergy was notenforced in Brittany around this time.)
[Information from Anselme in brackets, otherwise from DBF]
[Budic, count of Cornouaille]
Benoit*, count and bishop of Cornouaille, [d. ca. 1026]
[md. Guinodeon]
Alain "Caignart", d. 1058 count of Cornouaille, ca. 1020-, and count ofNantes, 1054- (after the death of Judith's nephew Mathias, count ofNantes) md. Judith, dau. of Judicael, count of Nantes.
Alain's children:
1.) HOEL, duke of Brittany (by marriage).
2.) [Budic, d.1098].
3.) Quiriac, bichop of Cornouaille.
4.) Benoit, bichop of Cornouaille.
5.) [Agnes, m. EUDON (uncle of Duke Conan II of Brittany)].
Agnes, wife of EUDES: RIN 2032 - JAS note
6.) another [dau].