WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Geoffrey FitzPiers Earl of Essex, 11571213 (aged 56 years)

Geoffrey FitzPiers Earl of /Essex/
Given names
Geoffrey FitzPiers Earl of
Family with parents
Birth: about 1157 Northhampton, England
Death: 14 October 1213Walden, Essex
Family with Aveline deClare
Birth: about 1157 Northhampton, England
Death: 14 October 1213Walden, Essex
Marriage Marriagebefore 30 May 1205
9 years
Birth: about 1213 56 41
Death: 23 November 1258
Death of a father
before 30 May 1205 (aged 48 years)
Birth of a son
14 October 1213 (aged 56 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
23 January 200719:13:57

Per Weis' "Ancestral Roots. . ." (246B:27), (246C:27), he was Earl ofEssex by right of his first wife and was Justiciar of England 1198-1213.
Also mentioned (72:29), (97:27).
Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (Essex, pp. 122-125). He was a Justice ofthe Forest 1185-1189, sheriff at various times of of Northants, Essex,Herts, Staffordshire, Yorkshire, Westmoreland, Bedford, and Bucks. In1198 he defeated the Welsh at Castle Maud. Along with Archbishop Hubertand WILLIAM MARSHAL, EARL OF PEMBROKE (RIN 806), he
persuaded the magnates to swear fealty to KING JOHN (RIN 785).

"Todd A. Farmerie" posted to the
soc.genealogy.medieval newsgroup on 2 Jul 1996 :
Subject: MANDEVILLE/Earldom of Essex descent
The two most recent editions of the Weis books (MCS4 and ARCC7) showGeoffrey Fitz Piers, Earl of Essex as son of Maud de Mandeville, daughterof Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex. I suspect that the derivationof this claim is a misreading of a table in CP, vol. 5 (Essex), where theparents of Fitz Piers, Piers and Maud (as well as Maud's other husband),are placed under the horizontal line connecting the children of Geoffreyde Mandeville, but without a verticle connection to that line. (In otherwords, they were tucked in there for the sake of spacial layout, withoutintending to suggest a relationship.)
The accepted and documented descent of the Earldom of Essex to GeoffreyFitz Piers runs through his first wife, Beatrice de Say, who wasgranddaughter of Beatrice, sister of Geoffrey de Mandeville. That thisdescent was the determining factor in the grant of Essex to Geoffrey FitzPiers can be seen from the passing of Essex to de Bohun following thedeath of the sons of Geoffrey Fitz Piers and Beatrice de Say, bypassingGeoffrey's heir male, John Fitz Geoffrey, son by his second wife Avelinade Clare. Were there a "better" descent from Mandeville through themother of Geoffrey Fitz Piers, then John Fitz Geoffrey surely would havebeen the heir. Based on this, I do not think Maud, mother of GeoffreyFitz Piers could have been daughter of Geoffrey de Mandeville.