WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Theobald Vicompte of Troyes, 904

Theobald Vicompte of /Troyes/
Given names
Theobald Vicompte of
Family with parents
Family with Richilde of Maine
Death of a father
Birth of a son
Unique identifier
Last change
23 January 200719:13:57

Weis" "Ancestral Roots. . ." (49:18). Does not identify his parents.
Stuart's "Royalty For Commoners" (340:36).

Primarily from J de Petigny and Professor Launay's Historie ArcheologiqueDu Vendome, I, pages 121-122, Academie des Inscriptions et Belle LettresChartes et Diplomas: Receuil Des Actes De Charles III, page xx, and PereAnselme's (Pierre Guibors) Histoire Genealogicue et Chronilogique desRois de France, II, pages 33-34:
Theobald, Viscount of Troyes, married RICHELDE, the daughter of HUGHAQUITAINE, COUNT OF BOURGES and his wife, ROTHAUT (the daughter ofCHARLES II 'L'CHAUVE' ['THE BALD'] KING OF FRANCE and RICARDIS BuwinisAmiens, although some list her mother as ERMENTRUDE ORLEANS, but that istopic for another day...) circa 886. As a result of this marriage,Theobald (Thiabald, Thiabault, etc) became guardian of RICHELDA's youngerbrother, Hugh, and was given the territories of Blois and Chartres inappreciation of this service. Shortly thereafter, a marauding band ofNorman pirates, who had recently taken up residence on the banks of theSeine, attacked Chartres.
These brigands, led by a certain 'ROLLON' [RIN 1312] [i.e. Rollo Duke ofNormandy], were more than Theobald could handle on his own. Theobald sentmessangers to his wife's cousin, KING CHARLES III 'THE SIMPLE' [RIN1618], Conrad, Duke of Bourgogne and EBLES, COUNT OF POITERS [RIN 1424],appealing for assistance. The castle had been under seige for some time,when Joscelin, Bishop of Chartres, perched within the
castle ramparts, saw clouds of dust rising in several directions on thehorizon. Help was on its way!
The counter-attack was led by KING CHARLES; the Norsemen were forced tolift the seige. KING CHARLES and the renegade ROLLON, or ROLF, had alittle chit-chat and a diploma thereafter referred to as the Treaty ofSaint Clair-sur-Epte was eventually drawn up, including an agreement byROLLON to revert to Christianity and be a good boy with a
tight leash held on his followers. For these concessions he was given thearea that
would later be called Normandy to govern, and the hand of the fairPrincess, Giselle, daughter of KING CHARLES.