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Berthold Count of Swabia

Berthold Count of /Swabia/
Given names
Berthold Count of
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Last change
23 January 200719:13:57

Berthold, Pfalzgraf [i.e., Count Palatine] in Schwaben [i.e. Swabia] is
listed as father of Cunigunda in ES i, 9.
Richard Borthwick posted to the soc.genealogy.medieval newsgroup on 7 Oct1996:
Subject: Re: Relatives of Cunegunde of Swabia
M Borgolte Die Grafen Alemanniens in merowingischer und karolingischerZeit: Eine Prosopographie (Sigmaringen: Thorbecke,
1986), 111 gives Kunegund's brothers as counts Erchanger (II)(pp.110-11)and Berthold (V) (pp.81-82). Their father was the count
palatine Bertold and Borgolte thinks this cp Berthold is most probably tobe identified with the count palatine Bertold (IV)(pp.79-80). Thenumberings are Borgolte's and are used merely to distinguish person's ofthe same name. Berthold (IV)'s ancestral line is not known, but there isa consensus that he belongs to the Alaholfing family group. Thegenealogical table setting out the relationships and possiblerelationships of the early members of this family group can be found inSubsidia Sangallensia I (eds. Borgolte, Geuenich and Schmid)(1986)p.305.