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Interactive tree of son stillborn Hohenzollern

son stillborn Hohenzollern
Frederick WilliamII Hohenzollern 17441797
Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick 17461840
Fredericka of Hesse-Darmstadt 1651
Augustus William Hohenzollern 17221758
Louise of Brunswick 17221780
Frederick WilliamI Hohenzollern 16881740
Sophia Dorothea Hanover 16871757
FrederickI Hohenzollern 16571712
Elizabeth Henrietta of Hesse-Cassel 16611683
Sophia Charlotte Hanover 16681704
Sophia Louise of Meckenburg 16851735
GeorgeI Hanover King of GreatBritain 16601727
Sophia Dorothea of Celle 16661726
LudwigIX of Hesse-Darmstadt
Caroline of Zweibrucken