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Interactive tree of WilliamVII Peter Duke of Aquitaine

WilliamVII Peter Duke of Aquitaine
William V The Great Duke of Aquitaine 9691029
Agnes of Burgundy 9951068
William IV Fierebras Duke of Aquitaine 935993
Emma deBlois 9501004
WilliamIII Duke of Aquitaine 963
Gerloc of Normandy 917962
Ebles Manzer Duke of Aquitaine 889932
Rollo Duke of Normandy 850932
Poppa of Bayeux 872
Theobald Count of Blois 915
Luitgarde of Vermandois 913977
Theobald Vicompte of Troyes 904
Richilde of Maine
HerbertII Count Vermandois 880942
Adela of Paris 895931
Otto William Duke of Burgundy 1026
Ermentrude of Reims AD 1004/05
Adalbert King of Italy 947968
Geberga of Chalon 991
BerengerII King of Italy 919966
Willa of Tuscany 924
Lambert of Auton Count of Chalon 978
Adelaide of Burgundy 915967
Renaud Count of Reims 972
Albrade of Lorraine 972
Giselbert Duke of Lorraine 939
Geberga of Saxony 910984