WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Senegonde

Richilde of Rouergue 954
Sunyer Count of Urgel
Arsinde of Rouerge 969
Arnaud Count of Cominges 957
Garsinde of Rouerge 895
RaimondIII Pons Count of Toulouse 895961
Ermengaud Count of Rouergue 937
RaimondIII Pons Count of Toulouse 895961
Garsinde of Rouerge 895
RaimondII Count of Toulouse 865924
Andregoto Garces
Eudes Count of Toulouse 840919
Garsinde deAlbi 840878
Bernard Count of Toulouse
Fulk deLimoges
of Toulouse
Raimond Count of Toulouse 810863
Berthe 815
Senegonde 785
Fulgaud Count of Rouergue 780837
Bertha Auba of Autun 753804
Theuderic Count of Autun
Alda of Austrasia 732
Charles Martel 676
Swanhilde of Bavaria
Chrotrude 690724
Pepin the Younger d'Heristal 635714
Alpaida of Saxony 654
St.Lieven Bishop of Troyes 660713
daughter of ChrodobertII
Sigebert Count of Rouergue
Childebrand Duke of Provence 686751
Alpaida of Saxony 654
Bertha Merovingian