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Interactive tree of Papia of Normandy

Sybil deNeufmarche 10961143
Miles dePitres Earl of Hereford 10921143
Bernard deNeufmarche 10701125
Nesta FitzRichard 1079
Ada deSt.Valery
Geoffrey deNeufmarche
BernardII deSt.Valery
Richard FitzGulbert deSt.Valery
Papia deNormandie 980
Papia of Normandy
Gulbert deSt.Valery
RichardII the Good Duke of Normandy 9621026
Judith of Brittany 9821017
RichardI the Fearless Duke of Normandy 933996
Papia 935
Gunnora deCrepon
William I Longsword Duke of Normandy 900943
Espriota deBretagne 910
Rollo Duke of Normandy 850932
Poppa of Bayeux 872
Hubert deSt.Liz Count of Senlis 852
ConanI leTort Duke of Brittany 927992
Emengarde of Anjou
Juhael Berenger Count of Rennes 970
PaskwitanII Count of Rennes 903
heiress of Rennes
Geoffrey Count of Anjou 987
Adelaide of Burgundy 915967
Adela of Troyes 950974
FulkII Count of Anjou 920958
Geberga of Vienne 952
Giselbert Duke of Burgundy 890956
Robert Count of Troyes 920968
Adelaide of Burgundy 915967
Bernard deSt.Valery
Emma deSt.Valery
Renaud deSt.Valery