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Interactive tree of Vladimir the Great Duke of Kiev

PhilipI King of France
Isabel deVermandois 10851130
WilliamII Earl of Warrene 10651138
Robert deBeaumont Earl of Leicester 10401118
Hugh Magnus Duke of Burgundy 10571102
Adelaide Countess of Vermandois 10651124
Anne of Kiev 10361075
HenryI King of France 10081060
Vsevolod Duke of Kiev
Jaroslav Vladimirovich Duke of Kiev 9781053
Ingegerda av Sverige 1049
Vladimir the Great Duke of Kiev 9551015
Rogneda von Polotak 1002
Svjatoslav Igorjevitch of Kiev 941972
Malusha of Lubech
Igor of Duke of Kiev 875945
Olga 969
Ryurik of Novgorod 845
Malk of Lubech
Rogvolod of Polotzk