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Interactive tree of EberhardII Count in the Nordgau

Gerard Count in Alsace
HughVi Count of Egisheim
Heilwig of Dagsburg
HughV Count in the Nordgau
Luitgarde of Luxembourg 1005
Arnoul the Great Count of Frisia 993
Hedwig of Nordgau 922
Sigefroi Count of Luxembourg 922998
EberhardIV Count in the Nordgau 972
Luitgarde of Aachen
HughIII Count of Hohenburg 940
EberhardII Count in the Nordgau 898
EberhardII Count in the Nordgau 881
Megihard Count in Hameland 843
Eberhard Count in the Nordgau 730777
Alberic 698735