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Interactive tree of Angilbert Abbott of St.Riquier

HeligaudII Count of Montreuil 879
Herlouin 878
Heligaud 866
Nithard the Chronicler Duke of Ponthieu 823
Angilbert Abbott of St.Riquier 813
Berta 780822
Nithard 778
Richarda 778
Hieronymus 775
Ercheswinda of the Goths
Charles Martel 676
Pepin the Younger d'Heristal 635714
Alpaida of Saxony 654
Charlemagne HolyRomanEmporer 748813
Hildegarde of Allemania 758783
PepinIII the Short King of the Franks 714768
Bertrada of Laon 783
Charles Martel 676
Swanhilde of Bavaria
Chrotrude 690724
Pepin the Younger d'Heristal 635714
Alpaida of Saxony 654
St.Lieven Bishop of Troyes 660713
daughter of ChrodobertII
Charibert Count of Laon 721
Martin of Laon 680
Bertrada 721
Gerold Count in Vinzgau 786
Emma of Allemania
Nebi Huoching Duke of Allemania 724
Houching Theutbold Duke of Allemania