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Interactive tree of Gerhard Count of Limoges

WilliamIII Duke of Aquitaine 963
Gerloc of Normandy 917962
Ebles Manzer Duke of Aquitaine 889932
RaynulfeII Duke of Aquitaine 855890
Ermengarde 935
RaynulfeI Duke of Aquitaine 866
unknown of Maine
Gerhard Count of Limoges 841
Matilda of Aquitaine 800
PepinI King of Aquitaine 803
Ringard of Madrie 822
LudwigI the Pious HolyRomanEmporer 778840
Ermengarde of Hasbaigne 778818
Judith of Bavaria and Swabia 800843
Charlemagne HolyRomanEmporer 748813
Hildegarde of Allemania 758783
PepinIII the Short King of the Franks 714768
Bertrada of Laon 783
Gerold Count in Vinzgau 786
Emma of Allemania
Ingermane Duke of Hesbaye 752
GunderlandXII Count of Hasbaigne
Welf Count of Bavaria and Swabia 824
Hegilwich Abbess of Chelles 826
WelfII 745800
Theodobert Count of Madrie 775
NibelungII Count in Hesbaye 805
Bertha Auba of Autun 753804
Nibelung 725786
Theuderic Count of Autun
Alda of Austrasia 732