WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Dunna

Giselbert Duke of Burgundy 890956
Ermengarde of Chalon 931
Letalde Count of Macon 965
Manasses Count of Chalon 919
Ermengarde of Provence
ThierryII Count of Chalon 880
Teutberga of Troyes 860
Charles Constantine Count of Vienne and Bellay 901963
Berta of Troyes
Hugh of Troyes
Garnier Viscompte of Sens & Troyes 868925
Teutberga of Arles 948
Richard of Burgundy
ThieryI the Treasurer Count of Chalon
unknown of Amiens
ChildebrandIII Count in Autunois 796
NibelungII Count in Hesbaye 805
Bertha Auba of Autun 753804
Nibelung 725786
Childebrand Duke of Provence 686751
Alpaida of Saxony 654
Bertha Merovingian
Theuderic Count of Autun
Alda of Austrasia 732
Charles Martel 676
Swanhilde of Bavaria
Chrotrude 690724
Pepin the Younger d'Heristal 635714
Alpaida of Saxony 654
St.Lieven Bishop of Troyes 660713
daughter of ChrodobertII