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Interactive tree of Ordrad

Matilda of Ringelheim 967
HenryI the Fowler Duke of Saxony 876936
Lambert Count of Louvain
Frederunda of Ringelheim
Amalrada of Ringelheim
EberhardI Count in the Lahngau 902
Dietrich Count in Drenthe 964
Dietrich Count of Ringelheim 872917
Gisela of Lorraine 860907
Ragnhilde of Friesland 880
Immed Count in Saxony 892
Matilda of Herford 909
Walpert Count in Saxony 891
Wicibert Count in Westphalia 851
Wittekind Duke of Saxony 810
Geva of Westfold
Warnechin Count of Engern
Kunhilde of Rugen
Eystein King of Westfold 780
Hild Ericsdottir of Westfold
HalfdanI King of Westfold 740
Olaf King of Vermaland
Solveig Hafdannsdottir
Eric Agnarsson of Westfold