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Interactive tree of Aseda Rognvaldsdottir

Adelaide of Aquitaine 9501006
Hugh Capet King of France 941996
William IV Fierebras Duke of Aquitaine 935993
Emma deBlois 9501004
Gerloc of Normandy 917962
WilliamIII Duke of Aquitaine 963
RichardI the Fearless Duke of Normandy 933996
Papia 935
Gunnora deCrepon
William I Longsword Duke of Normandy 900943
Espriota deBretagne 910
Rollo Duke of Normandy 850932
Poppa of Bayeux 872
Torf of More
Einar Earl of Orkney
AnsfredI Count of Hiesmer 978
Helloe Godfrey
Hrolf Thurston 920
Gerlotte of Blois
Hrollager of More 854
Rongvald Eysteinsson the Mighty Jarl of More 820890
Hilda Hrolfsdottir 892
Roger de St. Sauveur 947
Niel I de St. Sauveur
Richard de St. Sauveur
Ancitel Count of Bayeux 9921031
Balso Count of Bayeux
Poppa of Bayeux 872
Ralph Count of Bayeux
Malahule Glumra
Swanhild of Upplands
Aseda Rognvaldsdottir
Eystein Ivarsson Jarl of Hedemarken 800830
Rognvald Olafsson of Norway 790850
Tora Sigurdsdottir of Denmark
Olaf Gudrodson King of Norway 770840
Gudrod King of Westfold 738810
Asa Haroldsdottir Storrada of Agdir
Halfdan the Old King of Westfold 800
Asa Eysteinsdottir
Harold Granraud King of Agdir
Sigurd Snodoye King of Denmark 782873
Ragnar Lodbrok Sigurdson King at Lethra 750845
Sigurd King of Denmark 710812
Althild Gandoldottier 728
Sigurd Fafnisban
Ivar Oplaendinge Jarl of Uplanders 790
Halfdan the Old King of Westfold 800
Asa Eysteinsdottir
Eystein King of Westfold 780
Hild Ericsdottir of Westfold
HalfdanI King of Westfold 740
Eric Agnarsson of Westfold
Eystein the Severe King of the Uplands
Solveig Halfdansdottir
Hogne Jarl of Throndheim