WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Adelaide Countess of Vermandois

Isobel Huntingdon 1251
Robert of Annandale Bruce
Margaret of Scotland Huntingdon
Alan Lord of Galloway
David of Huntingdon 1219
Maude Chester 1233
Henry deBohun Earl of Hereford 1220
Maud deMandeville 1236
Margaret of Scotland 1201
HumphreyIV deBohun 1182
Isabel of Scotland 1150
Robert deRoss 1170
AlexanderII of Scotland
William the Lion of King of Scotland 11431214
Isabel Avenel
Ada deWarenne 11041178
Henry Earl of Huntingdon 11151151
Alice deNewburgh 1263
WilliamV Mauduit Lord of Hanslope 1257
Waleran deNewburgh Earl of Warwick 11531204
Alice deHarcourt
Henry Fitzwarin deLea
Warin deLancaster 1191
WilliamII deLancaster
Avice deLancaster
Gundred deWarenne 11171166
Roger deNewburgh Earl of Warwick 1153
William Kendal Baron of Lancaster 11151170
William deWarenne 11661240
Maud Marshall 11921248
Maud deWarenne
Isabella deWarenne
John Lackland King of England 11661216
Isabelle deWarenne
Hamelin Plantagenet
WilliamIII Earl deWarenne 11101147
Ala Talvas 11101174
RogerIV deToeni Lord of Flamstead 11601208
Constance deBeaumont 1226
Marguerite deBeaumont 11251185
RaoulV deConches 1162
Hawise deBeaumont
Isabel deBeaumont
Margaret deBeaumont 1234
Saher deQuincy Earl of Winchester 11551219
RobertIII deBeaumont Earl of Leicester 11301190
Petronilla Grandmesnil 11341212
RobertII deBeaumont Earl of Leicester 11041168
Amica deGael 11001168
Isabelle FitzGilbert deClare 11711220
William the Protector Marshall 11461219
Richard Strongbow deClare Earl of Pembroke 11301176
Eva MacMurrough 11151186
Elizabeth deBeaumont 11041172
Gilbert Strongbow FitzGilbert deClare 11001148
Mabel deBeaumont
Adeline deBeaumont
Aubreye deBeaumont
Waleran deBeaumont
Hugh deBeaumont
Amicade deBeaumont
Maud deBeaumont
Isabel deVermandois 10851130
WilliamII Earl of Warrene 10651138
Robert deBeaumont Earl of Leicester 10401118
Adelaide Countess of Vermandois 10651124
Hugh Magnus Duke of Burgundy 10571102
HerbertIV deVermandois
Adele deVexin
Otho deVermandois 10001045
Pavia Patia
HerbertIII Count of Vermandois 9451015
Egive of England 955
Ermengarde deBar sur Seine 9701035
AlbertI the Pious Count of Vermandois 917987
Geberga of Lorraine 925
Edward the Elder King of England 871924
Ælflæd of Wiltshire
Edgiva Queen Of England 896961
Reinald deBar sur Seine
RaoulIII Comte de Valois 10241074
Adele deBar surAube
RaoulII Vexin
Adele deBreteuil
Hildouin deBretuil
Emmeline deChartres
HenryI King of France 10081060
Anne of Kiev 10361075
RobertII King of France 9721031
Constance of Provence 9861032
Hugh Capet King of France 941996
Adelaide of Aquitaine 9501006
Hugh the Great Count of Paris 895956
Hedwig Judith of Saxony 918964
WilliamIII Duke of Aquitaine 963
Gerloc of Normandy 917962
William Count of Provence 993
Adele Blanche of Anjou 1026
BosoII Count of Provence
Constance of Vienne 965
FulkII Count of Anjou 920958
Geberga of Vienne 952
Jaroslav Vladimirovich Duke of Kiev 9781053
Ingegerda av Sverige 1049
Vladimir the Great Duke of Kiev 9551015
Rogneda von Polotak 1002
Svjatoslav Igorjevitch of Kiev 941972
Malusha of Lubech
Rogvolod of Polotzk
OlafIII av Sverige
Astrid Inegrid