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Interactive tree of SigebertIII King of Austrasia

Luitfride Count of Alsace 740802
Luitfride I Duke of Alsace 707767
Adalbert Duke of Alsace 675741
Gerlindis Austrasia
Berswinde Austrasia
Eticho Aldaric Duke of Alsace 645689
Luitfride I Duke of Alsace 707767
Gerlindis Austrasia
Adalbert Duke of Alsace 675741
Adela Austrasia
DagobertII Austrasia 652679
SigebertIII King of Austrasia 631656
DagobertI King of Franks 611638
ChlotharII King of Franks 584629
ChilpericI King of Neustria 537584
ClothaireI King of Franks 499561
Radegonda 502