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Interactive tree of Agnes of Bayeux

Agnes of Bayeux
Randulf Earl of Chester deBrichessart 10501129
Maud deAvranches 10531084
Randulf Count of Bayeux 10171047
Alix of Normandy 1027
Ancitel Count of Bayeux 9921031
Balso Count of Bayeux
Poppa of Bayeux 872
RichardIII Duke of Normandy 10001028
RichardII the Good Duke of Normandy 9621026
Judith of Brittany 9821017
Richard leGoz Vicompt of Avranches 10251066
Emma deConteville 1029
Thurstan leGoz Lord Hiesmes 989
Judith deMontanolier 1004
AnsfredII LeGoz Viscount of Hiesmer 9701035
Herluin Viscompte deConteville 1066
Arletta of Falaise 10031050
Jean deConteville
Fulbert of Falaise 978