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Interactive tree of Berenger Count of Bayeux

Randulf Earl of Chester deBrichessart 10501129
Maud deAvranches 10531084
William leMeschin
Randulf Count of Bayeux 10171047
Alix of Normandy 1027
Ancitel Count of Bayeux 9921031
RobertII King of France 9721031
Constance of Provence 9861032
Hedwig of France 9721013
RaynierIV Count of Hainault 1013
Gisele of France
Hugh Count of Montreuil 9561000
Adelaide of Aquitaine 9501006
Hugh Capet King of France 941996
William V The Great Duke of Aquitaine 9691029
Agnes of Burgundy 9951068
William IV Fierebras Duke of Aquitaine 935993
Emma deBlois 9501004
Gerloc of Normandy 917962
WilliamIII Duke of Aquitaine 963
WilliamI Count of Eu 9781057
Geoffrey Count of Eu 9531015
Heloise deGuisnes 956
Robert Count d'Evereux 1037
Fredisinde of Normandy
RichardII the Good Duke of Normandy 9621026
Judith of Brittany 9821017
Hawise of Normandy 1033
GeoffreyI Duke of Brittany 1008
Emma of Normandy
RichardI the Fearless Duke of Normandy 933996
Papia 935
Gunnora deCrepon
William I Longsword Duke of Normandy 900943
Espriota deBretagne 910
Poppa of Bayeux 872
Balso Count of Bayeux
Rollo Duke of Normandy 850932
Berenger Count of Bayeux