WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Pepin the Old

Bernard of Belgium 730
Hieronymus 775
Ercheswinda of the Goths
Landrade of Austrasia
Sigramine Count of Hasbaigne
PepinIII the Short King of the Franks 714768
Bertrada of Laon 783
Carloman of Austrasia Mayor of Palace 754
daughter of Alard
Hiltrude of Austrasia
Alda of Austrasia 732
Theuderic Count of Autun
Charles Martel 676
Swanhilde of Bavaria
Chrotrude 690724
Pepin the Younger d'Heristal 635714
Alpaida of Saxony 654
St.Beggue Abbess of Ardenne 613694
Ansigise Domesticus of Austrasia 602678
Gertrude deLanden
Grimoald deLanden
Pepin the Old 585639
Itte Landen 587652