WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Bertrada of Laon

Eberhard of Paris
Eudes Count of Orleans
Leuthard of Paris
Amadeus Count of Burgundy 827
Eberhard Marquis of Friuli 800866
Gisela of France 820
Engeltron of Paris
Hunroch Marquis of Friuli
Adelard Count of the Palace
Wulgrim Taillifer Count of Angouleme 815
Suzanna of Paris
Ulrich Count in Argengau 808
Begue Count of Paris
Pepin Count of Senlis 815892
Daughter of Theodoric
Bernard King of Italy 797810
Cunigunde 818
Pepin King of Italy 777810
Rothais of Belgium
Lothar King of Lorraine 827869
Waldrada 868
Theutberga of Italy
LouisII King of Italy HolyRomanEmporer 822875
Engelberga 826890
Ermengarde of Lorraine
GiselbertII Count of Darnau
LotharI HolyRomanEmporer 795855
Ermengarde of Tours 850
Matilda of Aquitaine 800
Gerhard Count of Limoges 841
PepinI King of Aquitaine 803
Ringard of Madrie 822
LouisII King of Germany 805
Alpaida 797
Rotrude 808
Alpais 810
Hildegarde 812
Geisle 818
Hersent of France
RaynierI Longneck Count of Hainault 916
Judith of France
LouisII the Stammerer King of France 846879
Adelaide of Paris 901
Ansgarde 844882
Rothaut of France 871927
Roger Count of Maine 900
CharlesII the Bald King of France 823877
Adelaide 877
Ermentrude of Orleans 869
Richilde of Metz 914
Judith of Friuli 902
ConradII Margrave of Burgundy
Berenger King of Italy 850924
Bertilla of Spoleto 915
Helwise of Friuli
Ingeltrude of Friuli
Gisela of France 820
Eberhard Marquis of Friuli 800866
LudwigI the Pious HolyRomanEmporer 778840
Ermengarde of Hasbaigne 778818
Judith of Bavaria and Swabia 800843
Heligaud 866
Nithard the Chronicler Duke of Ponthieu 823
Berta 780822
Angilbert Abbott of St.Riquier 813
Charlemagne HolyRomanEmporer 748813
Hildegarde of Allemania 758783
Bertrada of Laon 783
PepinIII the Short King of the Franks 714768
Charibert Count of Laon 721
Martin of Laon 680
Bertrada 721
Hugobert Count Palatine 678
Irmina Abbess of Oeren 710
Charles Martel 676
Swanhilde of Bavaria
Chrotrude 690724
Pepin the Younger d'Heristal 635714
Alpaida of Saxony 654
Ansigise Domesticus of Austrasia 602678
St.Beggue Abbess of Ardenne 613694
St.Arnoul Bishop of Metz 582640
Doda of Treves 586611
Pepin the Old 585639
Itte Landen 587652
Theodon 717
Grimaldo 695
St.Lieven Bishop of Troyes 660713
daughter of ChrodobertII
Guerin Count of Poitiers 630677
Gunza 630
ChrodobertII Count Palatine 678
Doda 678
LantbertI 650