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Interactive tree of HerbertI Count Vermandois

RobertII King of France 9721031
Constance of Provence 9861032
Hedwig of France 9721013
RaynierIV Count of Hainault 1013
Gisele of France
Hugh Count of Montreuil 9561000
Hugh Capet King of France 941996
Adelaide of Aquitaine 9501006
Ida Metz of Lorraine
Radbot vonHabsburg 9701045
Beatrice ofParis
KonradII Count of Ortenau
HenryI Duke of Burgundy
Emma of Paris
Hugh the Great Count of Paris 895956
Hedwig Judith of Saxony 918964
Beatrice deVermandois 860
RobertI King of France 866923
FulkIII Nerra Count of Anjou 9701040
Hildegarde 9641040
Ermengarde of Anjou
Geberge Gersende of Anjou
Emengarde of Anjou
ConanI leTort Duke of Brittany 927992
Adela of Troyes 950974
Geoffrey Count of Anjou 987
Otto Duke of Lorraine 9701010
Charles Duke of Lower Lorraine 953992
Robert Count of Troyes 920968
Adelaide of Burgundy 915967
Eudes Vermandois
Alix deCountess Vermandois 915
Hugh Archbishop of Reims 925
Herbert Vermandois 926
Otho deVermandois 10001045
Pavia Patia
HerbertIII Count of Vermandois 9451015
Egive of England 955
Ermengarde deBar sur Seine 9701035
LouisI of Chigny 9751025
Adelaide deSt.Varne 9751068
OttoI Count of Warcq 9421010
Ermengard of Namur 9571010
AlbertI the Pious Count of Vermandois 917987
Geberga of Lorraine 925
William V The Great Duke of Aquitaine 9691029
Agnes of Burgundy 9951068
Emma deBlois 9501004
William IV Fierebras Duke of Aquitaine 935993
Bouchard deMontmorency 9531020
Elizabeth deCrecy
Bouchard deMontmorency 978
Hildegard Blois
EudesII Count of Blois & Champagne 9901037
Ermengarde of Auvergne 9951039
EudesI Count of Blois & Champagne 950995
Berthe of Burgundy 9671016
Luitgarde of Vermandois 913977
Theobald Count of Blois 915
HerbertII Count Vermandois 880942
Adela of Paris 895931
Adela deVermandois 890
Odo deVermandois 902
Hugo deVermandois 902
HerbertI Count Vermandois 840902
Bertha 862
Pepin Count of Senlis 815892
Daughter of Theodoric
Bernard King of Italy 797810
Cunigunde 818
Pepin King of Italy 777810
Rothais of Belgium
Charlemagne HolyRomanEmporer 748813
Hildegarde of Allemania 758783
Bernard of Belgium 730
Heribert of Toulouse 930
St.William Duke of Toulouse 812
Witburga of Hornbach
Theodoric Count of Vermandois 805876
NibelungIII Count in Burgundy 818
NibelungII Count in Hesbaye 805
Bertha Auba of Autun 753804
Robert Fortis Duke of Neustria 820866
Adelaide of Tours 819866
RobertIII Count in Wormgau 834
RobertII Count of Wormgau 807
Theoderata 789
Thuringbert 770
HughII Count of Tours
LuitfrideII Count of Alsace 740802
LuitfrideI Duke of Alsace 700767