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Interactive tree of ThomasIV Astley

Ralph Lee 1420
Isabella Ridley 1424
Petronilla Lee
Robert Lee 1395
Robert Lee 1376
Joan Burnell 1373
Margaret Astley 13541423
Roger Lee 1343
ThomasIV Astley 1317
Elizabeth deHarcourt 1318
ThomasIII Astley
Elizabeth deBeauchamp 1318
Nicholas Astley 1302
Andrew Astley 1306
ThomasII Astley Sir 12411264
Joane deBois 1256
Guy deBeauchamp Earl of Warwick 12681315
Alice deToni
WilliamIV Earl deBeauchamp 12371298
Maud FitzJohn 12441301
WilliamIII Lord deBeauchamp 1268
Isabel Maudit
John FitzGeoffrey 12131258
Isabel Bigod 1222
RaoulVII deToni 12551265
RogerV deToeni 12351264
Alice deBohun 12371265