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Interactive tree of Merovech King of Salian Franks

Athangild King of Visigoths 567
Leovigild King of Visigoths
Amalaric King of Visigoths 531
SigebertI King of Austrasia 535575
Brunhilda of the Visigoths 614
ChilpericI King of Neustria 537584
Blithildus Princess of Sessions 531
Ausbert Moselle 527570
ClothaireI King of Franks 499561
Radegonda 502
King of the Franks Clovis I 456511
Saint Saint Clothilde Clotilda or Chrodochildis 475548
ChildericI King of Salian Franks 438481
Basina of Thuringia 438480
Merovech King of Salian Franks 415457
Verica 415
ClodiusV King of Salian Franks 395447
Basina 382
Pharamond King of Westphalia 352427
Argotta of East Franks 355
Marcomir Duke of East Franks 347404
ClodiusIV Duke of East Franks 324389
Genebald Duke of West Franks 354420
DagobertII Duke of Franks 353398