WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

King of the United Kingdom and Hanover (1820-1830) George IV von Hannover, 17621830 (aged 67 years)

King of the United Kingdom and Hanover (1820-1830) George IV /von Hannover/
Name prefix
King of the United Kingdom and Hanover (1820-1830)
Given names
George IV
Surname prefix
Family with parents
Marriage Marriage8 September 1761Westminster, London, England
11 months
King of the United Kingdom and Hanover (1820-1830), George IV von Hannover
Birth: 12 August 1762 24 18 Westminster, London, England
Death: 26 June 1830Windsor, Berkshire, England
17 months
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
King of the United Kingdom (1830-1837) and Hanover, William IV von Hannover
Birth: 21 August 1765 27 21 Westminster, London, England
Death: 20 June 1837Windsor, Berkshire, England
17 months
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger brother
Birth: 1773 34 29
Death: 1843
2 years
younger brother
3 years
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
2 years
younger brother
4 years
younger sister
Family with Caroline Amelia Elizabeth Welf
King of the United Kingdom and Hanover (1820-1830), George IV von Hannover
Birth: 12 August 1762 24 18 Westminster, London, England
Death: 26 June 1830Windsor, Berkshire, England
Marriage Marriage8 April 1795Westminster, London, England
Address: St. James's Palace, Westminster, London, England.
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Address: Buckingham Palace, Westminster, London, England.
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Death of a paternal grandmother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
Birth of a sister
Address: St. James's Palace, Westminster, London, England.
Death of a sister
Death of a daughter
Cause: Died during childbirth.
Death of a mother
Death of a brother
Death of a father
Cause: He went blind, deaf and couldn't walk for the last few months of his life.
Address: Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England.
Burial of a father
Cemetery: St. George's Chapel.
Address: Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England.
Death of a wife
Death of a brother
Death of a sister
26 June 183003:30 (aged 67 years)
Cause of death: He died after suffering from gout, arteriosclerosis, cataracts and possible porphyria.
Address: Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England.
Cemetery: St. George's Chapel.
Address: Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England.
Unique identifier
Last change
26 July 202005:52:01
Author of last change: Danny