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Interactive tree of Richard Prince Of ENGLAND

Richard Prince Of ENGLAND 11051119
Henry I Beauclerc King Of ENGLAND 10681135
Matilda Atheling Princess Of SCOTLAND 10791118
William the Conqueror OF NORMANDIE 10241087
Matilda Countess Of Flanders Queen Of ENGLAND 10311083
Robert I The Magnificent Duke Of NORMANDY 10031035
Harlette De FALAISE 1003
Richard II The Good Duke Of NORMANDY 9631027
Judith De BRETAGNE 9821017
Fulbert De FALAISE 978
Doda Of FALAISE 980
Baudouin V Count Of FLANDERS 10121067
Adaele (Alix) Princess Of FRANCE 10031079
Baudouin IV Le Barbu, Count Of FLANDRES 9671036
Otgive De LUXEMBOURG 9861030
Robert II The Pious FRANCE 9721031
Constance De TOULOUSE 9861032
Malcolm III Ceanmor (Longneck) I King Of SCOTLAND 10331093
Margaret Atheling Queen Of SCOTLAND 10421093
Ingeborg FINNSDATTER 10211066
Duncan I King Of SCOTLAND 10131040
Sibyl FITZSIWARD 10141040
Crinan De MORMAER 9751045
Bethoc (Beatrix) Princess Of SCOTLAND 984
Seward Earl Of NORTHUMBIA 978
Edward Atheling Prince Of ENGLAND 10161057
Agatha Von Brunswick Princess Of ENGLAND 10181024
Edmund II Ironside King Of ENGLAND 9881016
Ealdgyth (Algitha), Queen Of ENGLAND 986
Liudolf Count Of BRUNSWICK 10161038
Gertrud Countess In NORDGAU 10061077
Finn ARNESSON 1005
Arni ARNMODSSON 9771024