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Interactive tree of Katharine Princess Of AUSTRIA

Katharine Princess Of AUSTRIA 13421381
Albrecht II The Wise Duke Of AUSTRIA 12981358
Johanne Countess Of PFIRT 13001351
Albrecht I King Of The GERMANS 12481308
Elisabetha Princess Of CARINTHIA 12631313
Rudolf I King Of The GERMANS 12181291
Gertrude Countess Of HOHENBERG 12251281
Albrecht IV Count Of HABSBURG 11881240
Hedwige Countess Of KYBURG 11921260
Burkhard III, Count Of HOHENBERG 12011253
Mathilde, Countess Of TUBINGEN 1205
Meinhard IV Count Of TIROL 12411295
Elisabeth Duchess Of BAVARIA 12271273
Otto II Duke Of BAVARIA 12061253
Agnes Countess Of The RHEIN 12021267