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Interactive tree of Margit Princess Of HUNGARY

Demetrios King of Thessalonica MONTFERRAT 12051230
Margit Princess Of HUNGARY 11751223
Bonifacio I (II) Marchese Di MONTFERRAT 11501207
Nicolas De SAINT OMER 1175
Bela III (Harmadik Bela) King Of HUNGARY 11481196
Agnes De CHATILLON 11541184
Geza II (Masodik Geza) King Of HUNGARY 11301161
Evfrosiniya Princess Of KIEV 11301186
Bela II (Masodik Tak) The Blind King Of HUNGARY 11081141
Ilona Nemanjics (Jelena, Jereha) Princess Of SERBIA 11151157
Mstislav I Grand Duke Of KIEV 10761132
Lyubava DMITRIEVNA 11001168
Vladimir II Monomach Grand Duke Of KIEV 10531125
Gyda HARALDSDATTER Princess of England 1050
Dmitrij SAVIDICH 1074
Guillaume VI (IV) Margrave Of MONTFERRAT
Jhutte Princess Of AUSTRIA