WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Robert Hemingway, 15391613 (aged 73 years)

Robert /Hemingway/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: before 20 June 1539 Overbrea, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 9 March 1613Halifax, Yorkshire, England
21 years
Christening: 28 April 1560 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
6 years
Christening: 27 December 1565 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
2 years
Christening: 25 March 1568 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 15 January 1610Halifax Parish, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Christening: November 1570 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 24 January 1613Halifax, Yorkshire, England
-31 years
younger brother
Birth: before 22 July 1540 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1601Halifax, Yorkshire, England
4 years
younger brother
Birth: before 23 May 1544 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Family with Edith Lister
Birth: before 20 June 1539 Overbrea, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 9 March 1613Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: before 5 October 1567 36 33 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage21 May 1590Halifax, Yorkshire, England, M007491
20 months
Birth: about 1591 51 23 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 11 September 1615Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
13 years
Birth: October 1603 64 35 Yorkshire, England
Death: May 1633Shibden Hall, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: May 1606 66 38 Yorkshire, England
Death: 28 July 1616
3 years
Birth: before 11 December 1608 69 41 Upperbrea, Yorkshire, England
Death: 2 May 1695Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: May 1611 71 43 Yorkshire, England
Jeremy Gibson + Edith Lister
wife’s partner
Death: 12 October 1616Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: before 5 October 1567 36 33 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Christening of a sister
Christening of a sister
Christening of a sister
Christening of a sister
Birth of a son
Death of a brother
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Death of a sister
Burial of a sister
Birth of a daughter
Death of a sister
Burial of a sister
LDS baptism
9 March 1965 (352 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
LDS endowment
17 June 1965 (352 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
15 October 1969 (356 years after death)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States
LDS spouse sealing
30 November 1994 (381 years after death)
Unique identifier
Last change
13 May 201506:12:09
Author of last change: Danny

Name Suffix:<NSFX> of Northowram
Will of Jane Hemingway Crowther, sister of Robert, reads to Sibi
l, Edith, Phoebe and Martha Hemingway, the four daughtersof he
r brother, Robert Hemingway of Overbrea, she leaves $200 a piece
, to Robert, Jasper, Martin, Elland and Susan Hemingway, childre
n of Robert Hemingway of Netherbrea, the testatrix left 40s a pi
ce and to all her godchildren she bequeatehed 3s. 4d. a piece
. To Edith Lister wife of her brother robert Hemingway is beque
athed one silver cup with a cover; and the moiety of all thetes
tatrix's household goods, plate excepted. All the residuary est
ate isleft absolutely to her brother Robert Hemingway and his s
on, John Hemingway.
Shibden Hall history "Samuel Lyster was a future occupier of th
e Hall, whosesister, Edith, had married in 1590, Robert Hemingw
ay, father of John Hemingway, to whom Caleb Waterhouse sold th
e estate. Joshua and Michael Waterhousewere sons of Caleb th
e vendor. As previously stated, in Dec., 1612 the property pass
ed from the name of Waterhouse altogether, and Widow Crowther, n
eeHemingway, and her nephew John Hemingway, entered into posses
Phoebe and John were under age at the date of their father's dea
th on the 9th March, 1613/14 according to the article History o
f Shibden Hall
Shibden Mill and Its
Hemingway Owners
by Ron Hemingway
This is one of the historical articles about English Hemingway f
amilies prepared by Ron Hemingway of Wakefield, Yorks. There i
s a list of
his other articles, most illustrated with images. There is mor
e information about English Hemingway research and there are ref
erences to
other articles here.
The mill is situated in Shibden Dale, North of the main road fro
m Halifax to Leeds and Bradford which was the turnpike road buil
t in the late
1700s, about 1 mile from Shibden Hall and from Upper Brea.It i
s in an area named Shibden Milne, which comprised the mill and s
now used for accommodation at the Inn. The main building of th
e mill appears to have been demolished but the cottages and othe
r buildings are
still there. I have not found an illustration of the original mi
ll. It was burnt down in 1859 and abandoned until it became an i
nn, the Shibden Mill
Innon the 5th.
Shibden Mill Inn, circa 1900
August 1890, when it was purchased by the Halifax brewers, Webst
ers. The first landlord was Mr. E. C. SutherwardWalker.
The mill Pond was drained and filled in, probably by the Nationa
l Coal Board to prevent water seepage into the coal mines that w
ere in the area.
The land is now used for car Parking.
Shibden Mill Pond, circa 1900
A larger mill was built nearby, late C18/early C19, now used fo
r residential purposes.
Shibden Mill Inn in 1999, as photographed by Ron Hemingway.
Ron notes "The main mill building would have been where I was st
anding. The (mill race)stream is to the left for the waterwhe
Shibden Mill Inn in 1999
Shibden Mill already had a long history before coming into the p
ossession of the Hemingway family, the first mention was in th
e Wakefield
Manor Roll on TuesDay, the Feast of St Nicholas, the 6th. Decemb
er, second year Edward II (1308) although it must have existed b
efore that date.
Two dramatic events that involved former owners are worth mentio
ning: In 1362 it was in the hands of Alice, the Lady of Eland wh
ose husband
was slain in the "Eland Feud" in 1353. Theother dark deed conce
rned the miller, Henry Matthewson who, in 1378, was killed by Ri
chard of
Sunderland with a pole-axe over a disagreement in rents.
In 1526, Nicholas Eland, at the Wakefield Manor Court, surrender
ed the use ofthe mill to Richard Gibson and his assigns for th
e term of 46
years at a rent of 8s. payable at Whitsuntide. In 1535 Edward to
ok of the Lord of the Manor of Wakefield a half acre of waste, l
ying between
'Shipden-broke', 'Blakhill' and Shibden Mill. His wife's name wa
s Joan,