WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

James McInnes Fisher, 1872

James McInnes /Fisher/
Given names
James McInnes
Family with parents
Birth: about 1840Scotland
Birth: 24 June 1840 20 20 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Death: 27 May 1912Little Kilchattan Bay, Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Marriage Marriage8 February 1872Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
4 months
Birth: 2 June 1872 32 31 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
10 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1881 41 40 Kingarth, Buteshire, Scotland
Family with Margaret Currie
Birth: 2 June 1872 32 31 Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
Birth: 12 February 1869 27 24 Middle Or New Parish, Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Marriage Marriage31 August 1894Kingarth, Bute, Scotland
2 years
Birth: about 1896 23 26 Kingarth, Buteshire, Scotland
4 years
Birth: about 1899 26 29 Kingarth, Buteshire, Scotland
3 years
Birth: 6 May 1902 29 33 Brandon Place, Kilchattan Bay, Isle of Bute, Scotland
Death: 8 January 197947 Rolland St, Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland
Bus Driver
Birth of a brother
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Death of a maternal grandfather
Death of a maternal grandmother
before 1912
Death of a mother
Death of a son
Burial of a son
LDS baptism
5 October 1983 (aged 111 years)
Temple: Seattle, Washington, United States
LDS endowment
12 January 1984 (aged 111 years)
Temple: Seattle, Washington, United States
LDS child sealing
18 February 1984 (aged 111 years)
Temple: Seattle, Washington, United States
LDS spouse sealing
6 May 2004 (aged 131 years)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Batch # C115553 1868-1875 Source Call No 6035516 Register Film
The Isle of Bute, Scotland's Jewel on the Clyde
The Isle of Bute lies in Scotland's Firth ofClyde, tucked int
o the spectacular sea lochs of souther Argyll. 15 miles long b
y approximately 4 miles wide Bute is less than two hours from th
e city of Glasgow. the island was a popular Victorian seaside d
estination, when themain town of Rothesay would be bustling wit
h trippers who had come "doon thewatter" during the Glasgow Fai
r and disembarked from the many steamers that sailed the Clyde
. The Paddle Steamer Waverley is the only traditional vesselcr
uising the Firth nowaDays, and it still proves a very popular at
tractionwith a busy summer schedule of routes between Bute, Arr
an and the mainland.The classic Victorian seafront facade, pr
omenade and pier in Rothesay were in fact built on land reclaime
d from the sea. The original shorelin is about200 metres inlan
d in front of Rothesay Castle which once stood guard over theba
y. This reclamation has given rise to winder flooding of the se
afront given an extremely high tide. Thankfully this is quite r
are but nervous shopkeepers usually have a sandbag or two at th
e ready just in case.
Bute has been occupied by man for over 5500 years. An explorati
on of the island will reveal standing stones, cists and a vitrif
ied fort in the south at Dunagoil Bay.Many archaeological find
s are on display at the Bute Museum in Stuart St.Early Christi
an sites dedicated to St. Ninian and St. Blane speak of the miss
ionary faith of the first inhabitants of Bute.
Bute is the ancestral home of the Stuart Kings of Scotland. Th
e 800 year old ruin of Rothesay castle wasbuilt by a hereditar
y High Steward of Scotland from which the surname Stewart, and l
ater Stuart was derived. The circular design of the castle is u
nique in Scotland and withstood many onslaughts including an inv
asion by the ViKings. It was captured by the English during th
e wars of independence but in1311 was retaken by Robert the Bru
ce. Parially destroyed by Oliver Cromwell's troops in 1659 an
d finally burned and sacked by the Duke of Argyll in 1685the ca
stle has been substantially restored over the last 120 years.
Under the 2nd Earl of Bute the Stuart family moved 7 miles to th
e south of Rothesay and built Mount Stuart House on an estate o
f 300 acres. This original Mount Stuart house was partially des
troyed in a disastrous fire in 1877, however the3rd Marquess o
f Bute was inspired by his artistic, religious and astrologica
l interests to build one of the most magnificent Victorian Gothi
c mansionsin the world.
Over the centuries the Isle of Bute has attracted many peoplewh
o savour the peace and quiet and the friendly reception afforde
d to incomers.
1901 Census for Scotland, enumerated 31 March 1901, Parish, King
arth,County, Bute
Address 4 Brandon Place
James Fisher, head married 28 Bus Driver born Buteshire,Kingar
Margaret Currie Fisher wife married 29Buteshire,R
William Fisher son single 5B
Colin Currie Fisher son single2 Bute