WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

William Peck, 16041694 (aged 90 years)

William /Peck/
Given names
Family with Elizabeth
Birth: Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Death: 25 November 1718Lyme, Connecticut, USA
5 years
Birth: 7 May 1643 39 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA USA
Death: 4 October 1704Wallingford, New Haven, Connecticut
about 1604
Birth of a son
about 1638
Christening of a son
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Death of a wife
Birth of a son
14 October 1694 (aged 90 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

from Savage's Dictionary. William Peck, New Haven, a merchant f
rom London b1601, with wife Elizabeth and son Jeremiah, cam pro
bably in the Hector, as company with Govs Eaton and Hopkins. Fe
v. John Davenport, and the son of the Earl of marlborough, arr a
t Boston 26 June 1637, was one of the first compactfor N.H. i
n June 1639, an original proprietor, Freeman. 29 Oct 1640. deac
on from 1659 to his death. had John; Joseph bapt 17 Jan 1641; a
nd Elizabeth 7May 1643, not 6 as pr in General Reg IX 262, fo
r that was SaturDay. The harvest of blunders in that list of ba
pt. is not chargeable to the very carefultranscr. Henry White
, Esq. but I fear the names assing, for parents by conjecft. i
n that docum. may sometimes be erron, as in this instance, for t
he ch. Eleazar and 2d Elizabeth are neither in fam. geneal. allo
w. to the deac. His w. d. 5 dec. 1683, on a visit to her s. a
t Lyme, and he m Sarah, wid of William Holt, and d 4 Oct 1694
. his gr st is still to be seen in the cemetaryby the rec. o
f Lyme (where he d at the house of his son Joseph) the age is 83
, but New Haven says, at the reput age of 90. As a gen rule th
e shorter term of a prolonged life, where two or more dates ar
e reported must be preferred, but, in this instance, to ascertai
n the exact truth we may safe presume that the s of whose hous
e the father died wrote the account the greater numbermay be ad
opted. The only daughter his youngest child Elizabeth m 1661, S
amuel Andrews. In his will, of 9 Mar 1689, made at N>H. the se
c w and his four ch are mentioned, but no more. Sixteen of thi
s name had in 1834 been gr. at the N.E. coll. of wh. four were o
f Yale, three of Harv.