WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Peter Leighr (or Lehr)

Peter /Leighr (or Lehr)/
Given names
Leighr (or Lehr)
Last change
30 June 201201:07:59
Author of last change: Danny

A descendent traced the Leighr name back to Melvin's father, a Horace Leighr (or Lehr). He married a Cordelia Pendleton. Horace and Cordelia are the parents of Martin Leighr and the son of Peter Leighr (or Lehr), a private in Captain Hunt's Company in Colonel Joseph Vose's Regiment of the 1st Mass. He may have wintered at Valley Forge. He was active during that time and Vose was there for sure.

Research led to Major Brian Pendleton, William Sprague, Tristam Dodge of Block Island, Capt Noah and his son, 1st Lt. Bela Nichols. Noah's father Israel married Elizabeth Lincoln. Her father Samuel is a common ancestor to Abraham Lincoln.

Peter's father, Johann Henri Lehr, a German immigrant to Broad Bay (Waldoboro) Maine, into the patent held by Samuel Waldo. He arrived in 1753 on the Lydia