WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Gilberth Haws, 18011877 (aged 75 years)

Gilberth /Haws/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 10 March 1766 25 27 Rowan Co, North Carolina
Death: 9 October 1813Logan, Kentucky, USA
Birth: October 1768 0 45 Burke or Rowan, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1855Wayne, Illinois, USA
Marriage Marriage8 December 1786Burke, Rowan, North Carolina
14 months
elder brother
Birth: 17 January 1788 21 19 Burke, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1845
19 months
elder brother
Birth: 27 July 1789 23 20 Burke, North Carolina, USA
Death: 11 January 1846Ramus, Mcdonough, Illinois, USA
17 months
elder brother
Birth: about 1790 23 21 Burke, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1795
3 years
elder brother
Birth: about 1792 25 23 Burke, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1797
3 years
elder sister
Birth: 13 March 1795 29 26 Logan, Kentucky, USA
Death: 24 September 1857Orchardville, Wayne County, Illinois
22 months
elder sister
Birth: about 1796 29 27 Logan, Kentucky, USA
Death: 1806
3 years
elder brother
Birth: 23 July 1798 32 29 Logan, Kentucky, USA
Death: 11 April 1852Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
3 years
Birth: 10 March 1801 35 32 Logan, Kentucky
Death: 3 March 1877provo, Utah, Utah, USA
21 months
younger sister
Birth: 22 November 1802 36 34 Kentucky, USA
Death: 11 February 1876Heber City, Wasatch, Utah
13 months
younger brother
Birth: about 1803 36 34 Logan, Kentucky, USA
Death: 1804(8 Days old)
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 6 May 1805 39 36 Kentucky, USA
Death: 21 February 1877
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 6 September 1807 41 38 Logan, Kentucky, USA
Death: 1881
16 months
younger brother
Birth: 6 January 1809 42 40 Logan, Kentucky, USA
4 years
younger sister
Birth: 9 April 1813 47 44 Logan, Kentucky, USA
Death: 1908
Family with Hannah Whitcomb
Birth: 10 March 1801 35 32 Logan, Kentucky
Death: 3 March 1877provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Birth: 17 April 1806 34 36 Westminster, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 27 August 1880Provo, Utah, Utah
Marriage Marriage2 June 1822Wayne, Illinois, USA
3 years
Birth: 7 January 1825 23 18 Green Twp, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 5 May 1853Provo, Utah, Utah, USA
22 months
Birth: 31 October 1826 25 20 Illinois, USA
Death: 4 June 1849Old Fort, Utah, Utah
2 years
Birth: 20 October 1828 27 22 Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 7 April 1917Provo, Utah, Utah
18 months
Birth: 29 March 1830 29 23 Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 4 March 1854Provo, Utah, Utah
21 months
Birth: 8 December 1831 30 25 Illinois, USA
Death: November 1914
19 months
Birth: 10 July 1833 32 27 Green, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 28 May 1888Provo, Utah, Utah
20 months
Birth: 18 February 1835 33 28 Green, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 6 March 1895Pacheco, Chihuahua, Mexico
2 years
Birth: 15 February 1837 35 30 Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 20 May 1912Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, USAah, USA
20 months
Birth: 7 October 1838 37 32 Green, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 20 November 1871England
3 years
Birth: 12 March 1841 40 34 Green, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 17 May 1921Riverside, Riverside, California, USA
2 years
Birth: 6 August 1843 42 37 Green, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 9 August 1917
23 months
Birth: 28 June 1845 44 39 Green, Wayne, Illinois, USA
Death: 24 February 1920
21 months
Birth: 24 March 1847 46 40 Green, Wayne County, Illinois, USA
Death: 28 June 1916Tremonton, Box Elder County, Utah, USA
3 years
Birth: 8 October 1849 48 43 provo, Utah, Utah, USA
Death: 25 April 1917
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Death of a brother
Birth of a brother
Death of a sister
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Death of a father
Death of a paternal grandmother
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a child
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Burial of a father
LDS baptism
November 1843 (aged 42 years)
Death of a brother
Birth of a daughter
Death of a brother
Birth of a son
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Death of a daughter
Burial of a daughter
Birth of a son
Death of a brother
LDS endowment
23 July 1852 (aged 51 years)
LDS spouse sealing
23 July 1852 (aged 51 years)
Temple: EH
Death of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a daughter
Death of a maternal grandfather
Death of a mother
Marriage of a son
Death of a sister
Marriage of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a son
Marriage of a son
Death of a sister
Death of a brother
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Also has birth place o Logan Co. Kentucky and SP: date of 15 NO
V 1951 SG
History of Gilberth Haws, obtained from the Daughters of the Uta
hPioneers Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was written by E
dna Holdaway Bentwet, a great granddaughter, january 9, 1963.
A Story of the Life of Gilberth Haws and Family Pioneer of 1848
Gilberth Haws was born 10 March 1801 in Logan, Butler County, Ke
ntucky, the eighth child of Jacob and Hannah Beill (or Neil or N
eal). He was of pioneer stock, his ancestors being among the ear
ly settlers of Augusta County,Virginia, and Towan County, Nort
h Carolina. JacobHaws with his wife and two small sons left Bu
rke County, North Carolina, before 1800 to make ahome in Kentuck
y. They traveled by horseback with all theirbelongings going b
y way of the Wilderness Road, through the Cumberland Gap into Te
nnessee, entering Kentucky by the way of Nashville.
We are told that if several families traveled together in thos
e Days, they moved in true patriarchal style. The older boys dr
ove the cattle, which usually Headed the caravan: while the youn
ger children were packed in crates of hickory withes and slung a
cross the backs of the old quiet horses or else were seated safe
ly between the great rolls of bedding that were carried in simil
ar fashion.
Jacob's mother with her second family (she having married agai
n after the death ofJacob's father) went to Kentucky about tha
t time and it is possible they traveled together. And so thes
e sturdy pioneers were among the early settlers ofKentucky, loc
ating in Logan County. Here Jacob ran a ferry across the Gree
n River. Soon after the death of Jacob Haws in 1813, his wife a
nd family emigrated to Illinois and again were among the early s
ettlers of that state.
Hannah Whitcomb was born 17 apr 1806 in Cazonovia,Madison County
,New York, daughter of Liver and Olive Bidlack Whitcomb. Her fa
mily also were early pioneers of Illinois and here the Haws an
d Whitcomb families met. Two Haws brothermarried two Whitcom
b sisters; Benjamin Haws married Polly Whitcomb and gilberth Haw
s married Hannah Whitcomb. Gilberth and Hannah were married 2 J
une1822. They affiliated with no Church until they were baptiz
ed in 1842 in Wayne County, Illinois by Jefferson Hunt.
Quoting from Lucinda Haws Holdaway's history (their duaghter) wh
ich she wrote, I continue: "In 1845 Elders came to tell us tha
t the saints were being mobbed and driven from their homes and t
hat we had better prepare to go West with the company. We remai
ned in Wayne County until May 1847, when my father and family pr
epared to go West. We wentas far as Iowa and stopped at a litt
le place called Mount Pisgah for the winter. We remained ther
e until the spring of 1848, then started for Winter Quarters s
o that we might be ready to go West with the first company." A
t winter Quarters they built a bowery and danced all night wit
h the permission ofPresident Brigham Young.
During the month of May 1848, preparations were madefor the dep
arture of the main body of the Saints on the Missouri River. Pr
esident Young was General Superintendent of the companies and gi
lberth and Hannah Haws were assigned to the 3rd Company under th
e supervision of Lorenzo Snow. This company consisted of 321 so
uls, 99 wagons, 20 horses, 3 mules, 388oxen, 188 cows, 38 loos
e cattle, 139 sheep, 25 pigs, 158 chickens, 10 cats,26 dogs an
d 2 doves. gilberth Haws had two wagons, one team of horses an
dfive teams of oxen. Hannah drove the team of horses all the w
ay across the Plains. The family consisted of father, mother, s
even sons and six daughters.
Continuing to quote from the history of Lucinda Haws Holdaway, s
he sayd. "All went as well as could be expected on the journey
. Of course, we had manydifficulties to encounter--we had to w
ash our clothes in cold water and makefires of "Buffalo chips
" as there was no wood t