WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Thomas Hinson, 16211668 (aged 47 years)

Thomas /Hinson/
Given names
Family with Grace
Birth: about 1621England
Death: 1668Kent, Maryland
about 1621
Birth of a son
1668 (aged 47 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
14 September 200400:00:00

Barroll in Great Britain and America
page 64 Hinson, Hynson Ancestry of Mrs. H. Irvine Keyser (By Hes
ter Dorsey Richardson)
"Lieut. thomas Hinson, High Sheriff for ye Countie of Kent," arr
ived in the province of Maryland in the year 1651, accompanied b
y his wife Grace,his children Joh, Grace and Anne Hinson, and th
ree servants. He settled in Kent County, and in the year 1652 w
asfilling the important office of clerk of the county.
On July 31, 1652, the parliamentary commissioners, Richard Benne
tt, Edward Lloyd, Thomas March and Leonard Strong, issued a comm
ission to Thomas Hynson and others to be commissioners of the is
land of Kent, in which very great power and authority was give
n them.
n March 1, 1654, Willam Fuller and Wm. Durand issued a new commi
ssion to Thomas Hynson and others for the same important post.
As high sheriff ofKent, Lieutenant Hinson was the leading gentl
eman of Kent, and his mansion was the meeting placeof the court
, as the old records of the county amply testify.
In addition to the above offices, Thomas Hinson, who changed hi
s name toHynson in 1652, was justice of the county court in 165
4, member of the Houseof Burgesses, 1659, after which he was de
barred from office by Lord Baltimore for serving under the commo
nwealth, particularly as a member of the assembly of 1659.
Thomas Hinson, who was thirty yeard old upon in arrival in Maryl
and, according to a deposition regarding his age made March 29
, 1655, was a man of large means and high social position. He d
ied in the year 1668, intestate, leaving a large family.