WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Hugh Jones, 16701760 (aged 90 years)

Hugh /Jones/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 1670 Herefordshire, England
Death: 8 September 1760Cecil, Maryland
Richard Jones
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Name Prefix:<NPFX> Reverend
Barroll in Great Britain and America
pg 36
"In 1757 Mr. Jones bought 480 acres of land in Middle Neck fro
m Matthias and HenryVan Bibber for which he paid 882 pounds, fr
om which it is plain that he hadfound time to acquire some of t
his world's goods. The record of his deed shows that it was wri
tten upon stamped paper the duty upon which had been paid.He d
ied September 8, 1760, at the great age of ninety years. His wi
ll isrecorded in this county." He left his beloved godson, Edw
ard Pryce Wilmer, hhis lot in Charlestown, one silver half pin
t can, one silver soup spoon, andfour hunting pictures then han
ging in his parlor. The residue of his estatehe left to his ne
phew, Rev. William Barroll. His remains are interred at St.Ste
phen's and a marble slab erected to his memory by his nephew, Wi
lliam Barroll, marks the site of his grave."
...Rev. Hugh Jones was a Godly man. He seems to have been worth
y of the high recommendations which he brought to theparish an
d the Church prospered under his ministry. It does not appea
r from the records that he resigned as rector, it rther seems a
s if he were succeeded by his nephew, Rev. William Barroll. Mr
. Jones' name last appears as rector on July 8, 1760, he died du
ring that year at the great age of 90 years, having been recto
r of the parish nearly 30 years.
Here lies the bodyof the Rev. Mr. Hugh Jones, Formerly Ministe
r of this Parish, In DischaringWhich Sacred Office He display t
he Virtues of Piety and Integrity In such manner as became Bot
h the Man and the Christian.
His Nephew, The Rev. William Barroll, Grateful to his Memory i
n Hopes That others, by reflecting on his conduct, may thereb
y be excited, to go and do likewise, 1762"
In 1894 this memorial had been broken in several places, a new s
tone was placed over the grave by Benjamin Crockett Barroll, Esq
., of Baltimore, at that time his oldestliving male descendant
. The remains of the nephew Rev. William Barroll, as was ofte
n done in those Days had been interred in the same grae with tho
se of his uncle who had died 18 years previously. Beneath the l
ater stone, on which was an appropriate inscription, were carefu
lly placed the fragments of the earlier marble.