WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

William J. Keeney, 1816

William J. /Keeney/
Given names
William J.
Family with parents
Birth: 1786 Connecticut, USA
Death: Vevay, Indiana
younger sister
-19 years
Family with Mary R. Truesdell
Marriage Marriage1843
Birth of a sister
Death of a son
Death of a father
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

WILLIAM J. KEENEY, farmer, York Township, born in Delaware Count
y, New York, 1816, son of John Keeney, came to this county with hi
s parents in 1835. He remained with his parents till 1840, whe
n he began farming for himself, maKing hisannual trip to New Or
leans and doing coast trading. This he continued for sixteen yea
rs annually, but has since confined his work to the farm. He ha
s kept good grades of stock and taken considerable interest in s
tock raising andagricultural affairs. He was one of the charte
r members of the Switzerland and Ohio County Agricultural Societ
y, which was organized in 1851, and has since officiated as dire
ctor, vice-president and president. Is one of the thriftyfarmer
s of the county, and a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Kee
neywas married in 1843 to Mary R. TRUESDELL, daughter of Jame
s Truesdell, and born on Bryant's Creek by the Ohio, in this cou
nty, 1815. Her parents were James and Nancy (JONES) Truesdell, t
he former of New York, the latter of Lexington, Ky. They marrie
d in this county, the Joneses coming to this township about1800
, Truesdells later. Her grandfather, Louis Jones, started for Ke
ntuckyin an earlier Day with their parents. The father died o
n the way. The widowand children came on to Kentucky, where th
e brother of Lewis was killed by Indians near Lexington, on whic
h land the town is situated. Louis subsequentlybecame home-sic
k in Kentucky and returned to Virginia, and when a young man cam
e West again and located in this county on Bryant's Creek near 1
800, as stated above. Mr. and Mrs. Keeney have reared six childr
en to maturity: Mary S., wife of Levi SEDAM; Benjamin F., marrie
d Jennie M. LANGWELL; Martin G., married Louise BANTA; James (di
ed 1861); Emily; Eustatia, wife of Harry TORRENCE; Arletta, stil
l at home. The old double chair in which the Truesdells rodefro
m New York to this county, is still in possession of Mrs. Willia
m Keeney, and is more than one hundred years old. Mr. Keeney ha
s patented a number ofimportant inventions, chief among which w
as the universal pitman now in useby the champion mowers and re