WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Kenyon Hawkins Kin Mooney, 1810

Kenyon Hawkins "Kin" /Mooney/
Given names
Kenyon Hawkins "Kin"
Family with parents
Birth: about 1780 37 Brunswick, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1836Montogmery, Alabama
11 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1820 40 30 North Carolina, USA
Death: about 1871Montgomery, Alabama, USA
6 years
younger sister
4 years
younger sister
Father’s family with Lucinda Hayse
Birth: about 1780 37 Brunswick, North Carolina, USA
Death: 1836Montogmery, Alabama
Marriage Marriage10 May 1804Grainger, Tennessee, USA
20 months
4 years
3 years
5 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
4 years
Birth: 29 September 1824 44 Tennessee, USA
Death: 29 July 1907Nacodgoches, Texas, USA
2 years
Mother’s family with Purnell
mother’s partner
Family with Hamutal Amandis A. McCulloch
Birth: about 1819 29 32 South Carolina, USA
Marriage Marriage18 December 1838Montgomery, Alabama, USA
13 months
Birth: about 1839 29 20 Alabama, USA
about 1810 30 20
Birth of a half-sister
Birth of a half-brother
Birth of a half-brother
Birth of a half-brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a half-brother
Birth of a half-brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a half-sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a father
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Death of a brother
Death of a half-brother
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Note: After the murder of his father, William Jr., Kenyon soon f
ound himselfin trouble again. A short time after being bailed o
ut of jail for the murderof Edward Bell, Kenyon visited anothe
r Muster in Scroggin Hill. At the Musterin the fore noon Kin (a
s he was called) rode up, hitches his horse, walked up to the cr
oud very quietly and peaceably, but armed to the teeth with hi
spistols and Bowie knife. Mooney, without any apparent provicat
ion, took out his knife and stabbed a man named AlLister Owens t
o death. Kenyon mounted hishorse and went back home as if nothi
ng happened. When it was learned that hehad not left the countr
y as suspected, but was at home, a bench warrent was issued char
ging him with murder in the first degree for the wilful killin
g of Owens. A large posse was formed and sent out to hunt Moone
y up and arrest him alive, if they could, but dead if they must
. Some of Mooney's friends found out that the sheriff was afte
r him and let him know. Instead of fleeing, Kenyon chose to sta
y and defend himself. He barricaded himself in his mother'shous
e and waited. The posse arrived at the house and demanded his su
rrender. Kenyon sent word that he would do no such thing and th
e first man that puthis Head in at one of them doors or windows
, he would kill them. The Posse held a Council Of War and decide
d to send men back to town for a cannon and amunition. Before th
e men returned with the cannon, they were waylaid by Mooney's fr
iends. During all the commotion, Kenyon made his escape into a n
earby swamp. The Sheriff soon sent out a volunteer militia compa
ny named "Prairie Invincibles" on a house to house search lookin
g for Mooney. After some searching the Malitia held a little Cou
ncil Of War and they enquired if Mooney was any where in the cou
ntry. He was at Dick Colbert's, in the Pintlalla neighborHood i
n the south Western part of the county. They Headed for Colbert'
s. Whenthe Malitia rode up, there was two slaves sitting at a
n old wooden screw. When the slaves saw the riders they turned t
hat screw, which made a considerable noise. We asked them if any
one was down at the house? They said there was,and when asked w
ho, they said Mr. Kin Mooney and Mr. Charlie Spratt. Knowingtha
t the turning of the wood screw was an alarm, the Malitia hesita
ted a few minutes to decide what to do. They decided to dismoun
t and surround the house and ketch them asleep. When they got re
ady to go down to the house they saw Mooney and Spratt mount the
ir horses, the 2 slaves threw open the gate andthey came at a f
ull gallop through a hail of gunfire making their escape, leavin
g nothing behind but one of their hats. That was the last time a
nyone had seen or heard of Kenyon Mooney. He left behind his wif
e and 1 daughter.