WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

James Murgatroyd, 16401671 (aged 30 years)

James /Murgatroyd/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 1606 30 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1662
Birth: about 1608Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage1639Halifax, Yorkshire, England
16 months
Birth: before 5 May 1640 34 32 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 15 January 1671
5 years
younger brother
Birth: 5 February 1645 39 37 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1666
2 years
younger brother
Birth: 3 April 1647 41 39 Bingley, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1649
4 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1650 44 42 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1669
1 year
younger sister
Birth: about 1650 44 42 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
4 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1653 47 45 Yorkshire, England
3 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1655 49 47 Yorkshire, England
Father’s family with Susan Naylor
Birth: 1606 30 29 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 1662
Birth: about 1608Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriageabout 1628Yorkshire, England
Family with Elizabeth Saville
Birth: before 5 May 1640 34 32 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 15 January 1671
Birth: about 1642Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriageabout 1660Halifax, Yorkshire, England
23 months
Birth: 19 November 1661 21 19 East Riddlesden Hall, Warley, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 23 June 1698
5 May 1640 34 32 (aged 0 days)
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Death of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Birth of a brother
Birth of a daughter
Death of a father
Death of a brother
Death of a brother
before 15 January 1671 (aged 30 years)
15 January 1671 (0 days after death)
LDS baptism
8 June 1965 (294 years after death)
LDS endowment
26 October 1965 (294 years after death)
Temple: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
11 April 1969 (298 years after death)
Temple: Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States
Unique identifier
Last change
14 September 200300:00:00
LDS spouse sealing
2 June 2004 (333 years after death)
Temple: Los Angeles, California, United States

footnote in book on James Murgatroyd.
By his will, dated Jan 2 1671, after reciting that he had surren
dered all his copyhold lands, etc., in Warley, which were of th
e yearly rent to the lord of 32s 2 1/2 pence, including Murgatro
yd, Boothsteeds, Haighouse; an annual rent of 4 Li. out of Peac
ock house and shawbooth; an annual rent of 26 s. 8 pence. out o
f lands called Benns; a mussuage and lands called tydeings, th
e messuages called Ievhouse and Jaynest to Timothy Wadsworth, th
e elder, of Midgley, and Edmond Deane, of Sowerby, tomake court
ing thereof to thomas Lister, of Maningham, and John Weddell, o
fBradford, gent;, in trust to all such uses as he should declar
e in his last will, he ordered that they should be feofees of al
l his said messuages, etc.,to the use of his daughter Susann du
ring her life, and after her death to theuse of the heirs of he
r body, etc., provided nevertheless that if he shouldhave a so
n that his feoffees should stand seised to the use of his son an
dhis heirs, and in case he should have such a son then his feof
fees to take 500 li. of the rents for the portion of his daughte
r susan, but in case he should
have another daughter then to take 1,000li. for the portion of t
he second daughter. Mentions his wife Elizabeth. Refers to a s
uit depending in Chancery betwixt himself, complainant, and Edmu
nd Starkey and others, defendants,concerning the manor of Ridle
sden. Bequeaths his freehold lands to his daughter Susan for li
fe, and then to the heirs of her body. To his two sisters Susa
n and Frances Murgatroyd 10li. each, to buy each of tham a piec
e of plate. Thomas Lister and John Weddell, exors. The daughte
r Susan married James,son of James Oates, of Marsh. See No. 2
9 on p 134.
Yorkshire:Halifax -Parish Church Monumental and Other Inscriptio
Here lyeth the body of Mr. JamesMurgatroyd,,By his will, date
d 2 Jan 1671, after reciting that he had surrendered all his cop
yhold lands, etc., in warley, which were of the yearly rent to t
he lord of 32 s 1 1/2 d, including Murgatroyd, Boothsteeds, Haig
house; an annual rent of 5li out of Peacock house and Shawbooth
; an annual rent of 26s 8d. out of land called Benns; a messuag
e and lands called rydeings, the messuages called Ivehouse and J
aynest to Timothy Wadsworth, the elder, of Midgley, and Edmond D
eane, of Sowerby, to make courting thereof to Thomas Lister, o
f Maningham, and John Weddell, of Bradford, gent., in trust to u
ss such uses as should declare in his last will, he ordered tha
t they should be feoffeesof all his said messuages, etc., to th
e use of his daughter Susann during her life, and after her deat
h to the use of the heirs of her body, etc., provided neverthele
ss that if he should have a son that his feoffees should stand s
eised to the use of his son and his heirs, and in case he shoul
d have suchson then he feoffees to take 500li. of the rent fo
r the portion of his daughter Susan, but in case he should hav
e another daughter then to take 1,000 li.for the portion of th
e second daughter. Mentions his wife Elizabeth. Refersto a du
it depending in Chancer betwixt himself, complainant, and Edmun
d Starkey and others, defendants, concerning the manor of Ridles
den. Bequeaths his freehold lands to his daughter Susan for life
, and then to the heirs of herbody. to his two sisters Susan
d and Frances Murgatroyd 10li. each, to buy each of them a piec
e of plate. Thomas Lister and John Weddell, exors (Reg. Test, l
iii,3444) The daughter Susan married James, son of James Oates
, of Marsh. See No. 29 on p 134 of Murgatroyd in Warley, who di
ed att Ruddlesden Hall and was buried 15 Jan 1671. Also Sarah
, the daughter of Mr. James Oates of Murgatroyd, grandchild to t
he abovesaid James Murgatroyd, who was buried 22Oct 1697. An
d also Mrs. Susanna Oates, wife of Mr. James Oates and mother o
f the said Sarah, who was buried 23 Jun 1698.