WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Weeden Vender Hakes, 18001884 (aged 83 years)

Weeden Vender /Hakes/
Given names
Weeden Vender
Family with Eliza Amanda Bebee
Birth: 5 April 1800Stephentown, Rennselaer, New York, USA
Death: 24 February 1884Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona
Birth: 2 November 1803Chatham, Columbia, New york
Death: 26 October 1887Parowan, Iron, Utah, USA
2 years
22 months
2 years
4 years
4 years
Birth: 26 June 1837 37 33 Grafton, Grafton, Lorraine, Ohio, USA
Death: 27 August 1916Mesa, Mesa, Maricopa, Arizona, USA
5 years
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Weeden Vander Hakes
Eliza Amanda Beebe
book: Collins Rowe Hakes Family pg 6
Compiled by HARRIET J. STRADLING...1952
Collins Rowe Hakes/ 5th child...Lottie Mable Hakes Lamb/ 4th chi
ld..Harriet Jane Lamb Stradling
Weeden Vander Hakes and his wife, Eliza, crossed the plains in 1
848. He was a shoe maker, skilled in his art and prosperous in b
usiness. He always made good money,which he turned over to hi
s wife for safe keeping. Both of them were quick and alert, ment
ally and physically. Although exceptionally modest and resered
, he was always ready to stand up for his convictions, and was c
lean in bothbody and mind. He abhorred unclean talk. Firm in th
e faith, he was ever loyalto the counsel of the Church leaders
. He made the first pair of boots ownedby the Prophet Joseph Sm
ith. He liked to be in parades; Amanda didn't.
He and Eliza both loved people, and looked after the needs of ot
hers before theirown. Their motto was, "If we eat, so do the ne
ighbors." They despised the idea of anyone taking advantage of t
he poor and needy. Eliza had been a schoolteacher. She was well
-organized in all her work, never wasting a motion. Bothof the
m were more than liberal in donations, and went out of their wa
y torender assistance to new-comers.
In her old age, Eliza broke her hip, and wascared for until he
r death by her daughters, Harriet and Sarah, who lived inKanosh
, Utah. Weeden accompanied his son Collins to Mesa, Arizona to s
pendhis last years. He had a covered wagon fixed for a bedroom
. His children andgrandchildren took turns feeding him, as he c
ouldn't bend his arms, at the last. He was kind and gentle, an
d always expressed his appreciation for their care. His high pri
nciples and love of personal cleanliness remained with him all h
is life.

Vol 4 "Our Pioneer Heritage" has a list of several Heads of fami
lies that lived in the Fort at San Bernardino. listed were" W. V
. Hakes, andresiding outside the fort, George Hakes.
L.D.S. Church Records