WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Albert Orser, 17421805 (aged 63 years)

Albert /Orser/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: before 9 October 1717 25 New York, USA
Birth: Phillipsburg
Marriage Marriage1 November 1740Sleepy Hollow, Westchester, New York
20 months
Birth: before 12 June 1742 24
Death: 2 December 1805Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, USA
Family with Sarah Gardenier
Birth: before 12 June 1742 24
Death: 2 December 1805Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, USA
Birth: before 22 April 1770 27 19 Sleepy Hollow, Westchester, New York
3 years
Birth: before 1 October 1772 30 21 Sleepy Hollow, Westchester, New York
2 years
Birth: before 10 October 1774 32 23 Sleepy Hollow, Westchester, New York
10 years
Birth: about 1784 41 33 Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, USA
Death: 1843
7 years
Birth: about 1790 47 39 Pittstown, Rensselaer, New York, USA
-22 years
Birth: before 3 September 1768 26 17 Sleepy Hollow, Westchester, New York

Posted by: Carolyne Clark Date: August 04, 2001 at 06:27:01
of 222 Go
I havean Albert Orser that married Sara Gardiner. Albert was bo
rn in 1742 and diedon 2nd December 1805 in Pittstown NY. And Sa
ra Gardiner was born around 1751and died in 1805 in Pittstown N
Y. Their children's names were: Lea christenedon 22nd April 177
0 in Tarrytown, Sara christened 1st October1772 in Tarrytown, My
nno christened 10th October 1774, David Henry about 1784 in Pitt
stownRennselaer NY and Albert about 1790 in Pittstown Rensselae
r NY. David Henry married Amy or Mary Stitts born in Pittstown R
ensselaer and died in 1832 and then married Martha Allan born 15
th March 1803 and died in May 1860. His children to his first wi
fe was Hyrum about 1817 Amy or Mary in 1817 in Pittstown,Nanc
y about 1821 in Lovina 1822, Sarah 1823 and Hannah 1825 all in E
rie COUNTY PA. Children from his second wife which is actually m
y line were Evert born 11Dec 1832, in Ypselanti Washentow, Michi
gan and died 17th July17 July 1888, Albert about 1834 in the sam
e place but my sources say he died young. Martha about 1835 an
d she died young as well, Lucy about 1836 she died young as well
, Charlott about 1837 she died young as well. Charlotta Celia bo
rn around 2nd July 1837 and died 26th February 1872.
In Reply to: Sara Gardiner and Albert Orser by Carolyne Clark o
f 222 Go
I am a decendant of a half sister toCharlotte Celia. I have bee
n slowly collecting information on her and her families. Mostly
, I have information on her mothers line. Most of the dates yo
u have are rough estimates for her aunts and uncles as they woul
d have beenvery young to marry for the birthdates mentioned. Th
e brother, Hiram had landtransactions in Battle Creek, Michiga
n in 1843 and 1847. David Henry Orser and Mrs. Martha Smith marr
ied in Ipsilanti, Washtenaw County, Michigan, as recorded in th
e marraige records there. The sister, Sarah Orser married John S
tewart there. The familysoon went to CalhounCounty town of Milto
n, later called Battle Creek. David Henry signed the petition fo
r Michigan stateHood. AmyOrser married her sisters widower in C
alhoun County. The parents of Battle Creek, Michigan, purchase
d land in Hancock County, Illinois, in 1837. It is myguess tha
t Charlotte and her parents moved to Hancock County by 1840 bu
t the census I've seen is hard to read and I can't be sure. By a
bout 1843 David Henry Orser is deceased and his wife Martha is i
nvolved in land transactions without him. She remarried severa
l times and went West. In 1860 Charlotte andher husband have he
r mother, Martha Harris living with them as recorded in the 186
0 census in Provo, UT. I don't know what kind of information yo
u seekbut I would try to answer questions by e-mail. I also hav
e researched information on Martha's family from OnondagaCounty
, New York, if you are interestedin new informations on that li
ne. I am seeking any family traditions, storiesor histories abo
ut Charlotte, her mother, Martha, and brother, Evert, as they mi
grated West if you have any you could share.