WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Frederick Van Wickel, 17241776 (aged 52 years)

Frederick /Van Wickel/
Van Wickel
Given names
Family with Margrietie Springsteen
Birth: about 1724Jamaica, Queens, New York, USA
Death: before 1776
Birth: before 4 April 1725 Jamaica, Queens, New York, USA
Death: after 1800
Marriage Marriage31 October 1747Newtown, Long Island, New York, USA
8 years
Birth: 16 October 1755 31 30 Newtown, Long Island, New York, USA
Death: 28 April 1832Newtown, Long Island, New York, USA
Birth of a son
before 1776 (aged 52 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
1 April 200401:00:00

On 28 July 1767, Frederick Van Wicklen of Jamaica, yeoman, sol
d to David Carman for 290 pounds his dwelling house, barn, orcha
rd, and land where he "now liveth" in Jamaica containing 40 acre
s, and no further record of him has beenfound.
In the article cited below, Macy writes...
"A branch of the family using the spellings Van Wickler/Van Wick
lar descends from an Evert Van Wicken (1775-1852) of Jamaica, an
d Hempstead who appears to be connected to the lineof Evert^3 (
Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) though the link has never been proved
. On 12 October 1775 a child, Evert, was baptized at Success, L.
I. under the"parents" the record reads "Wouter Kouvert as fathe
r," with no mother as inother entries for the period. In his 18
04 will Walter Couvert Senr. of Hempstead refers to sons Tunis a
nd Isaac, daughter Lena Golder, and grandson EvertVan Wyckle. T
his Evert can be traced in the censuses of 1800-1840 in Jamaic
a and Hempstead and died at Rockaway 12 July 1852, age 79 whic
h points to himbeing the child baptized in 1775. The fact tha
t there does not appear to beany way for a daughter of Covert t
o have married a Van Wicklen and had this son, or for Evert to h
ave been a step-grandson--coupled with the peculiar wording of t
he baptismal record--strongly suggests that this Evert was bor
n outof wedlock to a daughter of Walter Covert (probably Lena)
, fathered by a VanWicklen who probably was already married t
o someone else.
The question hereis, who was the father? Walter Covert was a br
other of Femmetje/Phebe, the wife of Gerrit^4 (Evert^3, Gerrit^2
, Jentie^1 Jeppes) Van Wicklen, but that couple's oldest son wa
s only 12 in 1775. Gerrit^4 himself might be the father,but h
e already had a son Evert and it seems improbable that he woul
d allowthis name to be given to another child. It is unlikely t
hat his brother Johannes was the father as he was unmarried an
d thus free to marry the child's mother. Their father Evert^3 wa
s alive but now 76 years old. their other brother, Frederick wa
s probably dead by this time. His son Evert^5, however, was livi
ng in 1775. He was baptized 1748 and thus was the same age as Le
na Covert(bap. 1749), and by 1775 he was also already married t
o someone else. Also, it was not unusual for an illegitimate so
n to be given the name of his reputedfather. By 1782, Evert^5 w
as in Berkeley County, Va. (now W. Va.). Perhaps he left Long Is
land (and his mother and siblings also left Jamaica) to escapet
he situation. In any case, Evert^5 seems the most likely candida
te for thefather of the 1775 child." (Macy, p. 248) (Michael Wo
lfe in a 6 July 2000 email adds..."Evert had a liaison with Len
a Covert, bap. 1749. She was then married (Lena Golder). She ha
d issue Evert^6 Van Wickle, b. 1773, bap. 12 October 1775 Succes
s, d. 12 July 1852 Rockaway, NY. This family stayed on Long Isla