WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Theophilus Oglethorpe, 1696

Theophilus /Oglethorpe/
Given names
Family with parents
elder sister
3 years
elder brother
13 months
elder sister
Birth: 29 January 1683 33 22 Godalming, Surrey, England
Death: 1725
8 years
elder brother
7 years
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
younger brother
Birth: 22 December 1696 46 35 Godalming, Surrey, England
Death: 30 June 1785Cranham Hall, Essex, England
before 1696 46 35
Birth of a brother
Birth of a brother
Birth of a sister
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Christening of a brother
Death of a father
Death of a sister
Death of a mother
Death of a brother
Unique identifier
Last change
26 August 201100:00:00

Theophilus died in 1702; Lewes, who was a keen and devoted follo
wer of Marlborough, gave up politics for the Army but died o
f a wound in the Hague in 1704; Theophilus junior became an eve
n more ardent Jacobite than his fathers andsoon relinquished hi
s parliamentary duties his office of Squire of Westbrook,and in
deed his native lands and spent the rest of his life abroad invo
lvedin all the intrigues and plans that continuously surrounde
d the Stuart case.Thus, the remaining Sons James, came into hi
s inheritance at Westbrook in 17l8 at the age of 22, and he beca
me in every sense of the word, Squire of Westbrook, endearing hi
mself to the local people and taking a keen interest in local af
fairs; his brother Theophilus, owing to local disagreements eve
n withthe clergy, had been unpopular,
a letter dated March 29, 1716, from Theophilus Oglethorpe (Kin
g James' envoy to the Court of Turin) to his sister Madame de Me
zieres, Calendar of the Stuart Papers, Historical Manuscripts Co
mmission (London: 1904), II, 46: "The Dorias I am assured of. Le
t me have a letter for the Duke Doria, and another for Marquis C
lemente Doria, one of the richestin Genoa, and to my knowledg
e a friend, and a kind one to Marquis BalchetchiDoria, who bu
t two Days ago assured me that he answered for his whole famil
y to serve King James, so that it was done secretly."