WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Jasper Blythman

Jasper /Blythman/
Given names
Death of a son
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Last change
25 February 200401:00:00

Halifax Antiquarian Society "History of Shibden Hall" 1925 editi
on page 62
JASPER BLYTHMAN, Esq., was the owner of and resided at Elland Ha
ll. He belonged to a family whose principal seat was at New Lai
thes, in the parish of royston, and he was a younger brother o
f William Blythman, who was the then ownerof the paternal acre
s there.
The Blythman family had become connected withHalifax by the mar
riage of Jasper Blythman to Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Lacy, o
f Brearley, who in his will, date 1570, left to her the beques
t of fivemarks, to be paid out of the 50 pound lent by him to t
he Queen's Majesty (Elizabeth).
The Blythmans became possessed of Elland Hall through the marria
geof Jasper Blythman--the commissioner in our bankrupty suit-wi
th Judith Deane, the widow of William Deane, of Elland Hall. Sh
e was by birth a Hanson, being the daughter of John Hansen of Wo
odhouse, Rastrick, our good old local antiquary. She married, a
s her second husband, in 1617, Jasper Blythman, who was the son
e of Jasper Blythman of New Laithes, Royston, and of Halifax, b
y his second wife Elizabeth, the daughter of Hugh Lacy, of Brear
ley. Jasper senior, in the Halifax parish, registers is describ
ed as being "of Midgley" whenin February 1558-9, his son, whit
h whom we are now dealing, was born.
ThisJasper Blythman died on the 26th February 1632-3, and Judit
h, his widow, on 7th March, 1633-4.