WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

John Waterhouse, 15311556 (aged 25 years)

John /Waterhouse/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: about 1480 30 33 The Hollins, Warley, Yorkshire, England
Birth: about 1500 NewHall, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: before 21 November 1549Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriageabout 1528Halifax, Yorkshire, England
4 years
Birth: about 1531 51 31 Warley, Yorkshire, England
Death: about 1556Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Family with Isabell Oates
Birth: about 1531 51 31 Warley, Yorkshire, England
Death: about 1556Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriageabout 1525<Yorkshire, England>
4 years
Birth: about 1528 -3 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: about 1530 -1 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
2 years
Birth: about 1531 0 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: Hollins, Warley, Yorkshire, England
Death: about 1601Yorkshire, England
Birth: after 1535 Halifax Parish Church Yard, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: about 1579
George Wheatley + Isabell Oates
wife’s husband
Marriage Marriagebefore 24 April 1558
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a daughter
Birth of a son
Death of a paternal grandfather
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Death of a paternal grandmother
Christening of a son
Death of a mother
Burial of a mother
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Marriage of a son
Birth of a son
about 1556 (aged 25 years)
LDS baptism
26 December 2003 (447 years after death)
Temple: Mount Timpanogos, Utah, United States
LDS child sealing
LDS endowment
Unique identifier
Last change
27 August 201100:00:00

Halifax Wills" Vol II 1545-1559 edited by E. W. Crossley
Will of John Waterhouse, of Hollinges in Warley
14 Apr 1556 Halifax, Parish,West riding,Yorkshire,England
No. 146. in Halifax wills, vol 2, Reg. Tes. xv.i. 75
John Watterhowseof Hollynges in Warley in the county of Yorke
, gent. To be buried in the parish Churche of Halifax. Item I b
equeath to the vicar of the same Churche formy mortuary after t
he rate of the kinge and quenes statutes of mortuaryes afore thi
s tyme ordeyned established, and provided. It. I assigne and gr
auntby these presentes to Agnes Grenewod, wif of James Grenewod
, my doughter, Isabell Waterhouse, my doughter, and Jane Kidgele
y, wif of Thomas Mydgeley, my doughter, toward theyre lyvinges
, prefermentes, mariages, mariage goodes, andsupportacons the r
eversion after my decesse of all my tythes of corne and hay, woo
l and lambes, from my said death yerly commyng, growinge, and en
creassyng of, and in the townes and towneshippes of Stansfel, Wa
ddesworth, Mydgeley, and Warley, somtyme perteynyng to the lat
e surrendred monastery of Lewes inthe county of Sussex, and th
e reversion after my deceasse of all suche rentes, money, and fe
rmes as ar, shold, or ought to be paid for the said tythes ofco
rne and haye growing and encreasyng there. And also I assigne
, will, and graunt the reversion after my decesse of all tythe
s of woll and lambes frommy said deceasse yerly commyng and inc
reasing within the towneshippes of Ovenden, Skeircote, Halifax
, Northowram, He;tonstall, Southowrom, Hyperhom, Shek(sic; Shel
f), and Brighouse to my said iij doughters and children.
It. I will and assigne the reversion after my decesse of all m
y fre rentes, whiche aryerly paid and dew to be paid, as all co
pieholders, in the townes and towneshippes of Halifax and Hepton
stall of and for the landes and tenementes there,to my said ii
j doughters and children, there executors, and assignes, unto th
ey have receyved and taken up of all and singuler the premisse
s the som ofeight score poundes of good and lawfull payment o
f Engls, that is to wit, to the said Agnes xx/li, to the said Is
abell one hundreth poundes, and to thesaid Jane xl/li. And imm
ediately after th'end of suche yeres as my said doughters have r
eceyved and taken up emonest them the said somes of the profette
s and fermes of the premisses after the yerly rentes and ferme
s of xxvij poundes and ten poundes payd to the leasors and owner
s of the said tenementes, as by certyne indentures therof made t
o me the said John Waterhouse, or any other to my use, bering da
te the vj Day of June in the xxvij yere of the reigneof the lat
e king of famose memery. Henry th'Eight, appereth, and therin m
ore evidently is declared, I will, assigne, and graunt the rever
sion after myiij doughters have receyved the said somes of th
e premisses, as is said, ofthe said tythes of corne and hay, wo
ll and lambes, also the said fre rented and anuall rentes commyn
g and growing of the landes and tenementes of the saidcopyholde
rs, as is said, to Antony Waterhouse, my yonger son, his executo
rs and assignes, all the residewe of the yeres then to spend whi
che I have andfaule to have by the said indentures, paing alway
s during the siad yeres then to spend suche fermes, rentes, an
d charges at tymes usuall to the awners ofthe said tenementes a
s fall to be done and paid and as appere by the said indentures
, provided alway, that if any of my said iij doughters do happe
n todye before they or any of them have receyved there partes a
nd procons of thesaid viij/xx poundes, that then and from then
s the parte or partes of her ofthem so decessed sHall remayn an
d go to the said Antony Waterhouse, his executors, and assignes
, during all suche yeres then to spend in the said tenementes, t
he said Antony, his executors, and assignes payng suche parte o
f thesaid annual rentes and fermes as fall to be paid