WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Henry Hoile, 1607

Henry /Hoile/
Given names
Family with Martha
Birth: Of Northowram, Yorkshire, England
Death: 7 August 1607Halifax, Yorkshire, England
George Booth + Martha
partner’s husband
Death: about 1635Northowram, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriageafter 1607Halifax, Yorkshire, England
partner’s son
Death: before 28 July 1657
Unique identifier
Last change
24 November 200301:00:00

from "Vicar Favour and his Times" page 37
1607 Aug 7 Henry Youle, Hal, vir valde pius, legavit piis usibu
s quinque marcas.
He made his will 17 apr 1606, proved 21st June 1608.
"In token of my thanckfulnes towardes God I bequeath togood use
s, to be imploied to the furtherance of learninge, or the releif
e of the poore (at the discretion of mine overssers) with in th
e parish of Hallifax, three poundes, six shillinges and eightpen
ce. --To my mother in law in token of my love, a little gold rin
g, to my wive's two sisters that are maried, Edith and Isabel, e
che a silver spoone with a knop at the end, and to my wives' sis
ter Grace iij iijd in like toekn of my good will. Item, I desir
e my lovinge friend and pastor John ffavour doctor of the lawes
, and vicar of Hallifax, my lovinge brother in law Mr. Hugh Wata
mough bachelor of Divinity, myloving kinsman Sammuell Hoile, an
d my loving godsonne Michaell Bairstow, tobe the overseers of t
his my last will, to whome in token of my love towardesthem
, I give and bequeath as followeth. To Doctor ffavour a doubl
e soveraigne. to my brother Watmough my bigger gould ringe. T
o my nephew Samuell Hoile a silver ringe, and to his sonne Samue
l my godsone xs. And to Michaell Bairstowe a double soveraigne
He bequeathed 100 pounds to his son Henry; and the residue to hi
s wife Martha and two daughters, but their parts not to exceed 1
00 marks each; and the guardianship of his three children to hi
s wife. If his son Henry died a minor, 20 pounds of his was t
o be applied to godlyuses; and if he died intestate, then all t
o be applied as aforesiad. John ffavour and Edmund Brearcliff
e were two of the witnesses, the former the vicar's son, and th
e latter father of the antiquary, John Brearcliffe.