WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

John Fourness, 16821717 (aged 35 years)

John /Fourness/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 7 December 1662 59 33 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 20 February 1687Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: about 1664 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 27 August 1739Ovenden, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage26 September 1682Illingworth Church, Illingworth, Yorkshire, England
5 years
younger sister
Birth: 14 October 1687 24 23 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 21 March 1699Halifax, Yorkshire, England
-5 years
Birth: about 1682 19 18 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 10 November 1717Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Mother’s family with Nathaniel Priestley
Birth: about 1665 31 41 Hipperholme, Yorkshire, England
Death: 5 September 1728Cross Hills House, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: about 1664 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 27 August 1739Ovenden, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage11 July 1689Headingley, Yorkshire, England
4 years
Birth: 1692 27 28 Ovenden, Yorkshire, England
Death: 27 January 1769Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Family with Frances Oates
Birth: about 1682 19 18 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 10 November 1717Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Birth: 1689 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 29 June 1770Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage14 September 1713Halifax, Yorkshire, England
1 year
Birth: August 1714 32 25 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 25 July 1720Halifax, Yorkshire, England
3 years
Birth: May 1717 35 28 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 20 July 1722Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Gabetis Norton + Frances Oates
wife’s husband
Birth: Sawley, Yorkshire, England
Death: 17 October 1754Ovenden Hall, Ovenden, Yorkshire, England
Birth: 1689 Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Death: 29 June 1770Halifax, Yorkshire, England
Marriage Marriage16 September 1725Halifax, Yorkshire, England

Name Prefix:<NPFX> Captain
MI on wall of Halifax Parish Church
On awhite marble monument, fixed to the south wall of the churc
h between the third window from the east and the chancel screen
Arms. Sable, five fusils inpale, argent - Fourness
Near this Place is Interr'd ye Body of Capn John Fournis who Die
d the 10th and was buried the 12th of Nov 1717 aged 35 years; an
d at a small Distance are interr'd the Bodies of two of his Daug
hters, viz.,Jane, who died the 25th & was bried the 28 July 172
0 aged 5 Years 11 Months;& Susannah, who died the 20th & was bu
ried the 22nd of July 1722 aged 5 yearsand two Months,
Also Frances Wife to the abovesaid Cap John Fournis, who Diedth
e 29th of June and was buried the 3 July 1770 Aged 81 years.
(Son of Samuel Fourness. Served under the Duke of Marlborough a
t Blenheim.He married, 14 Sep, 1713, Frances, daughter of Jame
s Oates of Murgatroyd andRiddlesden, who married for her secon
d husband Gabetis Norton of Sawley (Hunter's Fam. Min. Gen., p 9
The inscription from this point is not given in the Walker MS
. "3 July 1770, Frances Norton, Ovn., Wid., buried"
Halifax Antiquarian Society, 1925 "Excursion to Ovenden" page 94
The two sons of Samuel Furness both entered the army, the elde
r John being Captain and the younger Joseph being Lieutenant. J
oseph does not appear to have survived the wars, butCaptain Joh
n Furness was serving under Marlboro' at the "Famous Victory" o
f Blenheim in 1704, and does not appear to have settled down a
t Ovenden tillafter the Treaty of Utrecht in 1712. On Septembe
r 14th, 1713, he married Frances, daughter of James Oates of Mur
gatroyd and Riddlesden. This was the James Oates who came a
s a child to Ovenden Hall when his mother married Joseph Furness
Evidently Captain Furness still kept up the family connection wi
th the cloth trade, for "on the 4th of November, 1708, Lord Ingr
am (Lord of the Manor of Halifax) let "to John Fourniss of Ovend
en, gentleman, Johnathan Maude of Halifax, gent., and Joseph Fou
rness of the same, gent., all thosebuildings commonly called b
y the names of Woolen Hall and Linen Hall, heretofore commonly u
sed for the selling of cloth."
Lord Ingram engaged not to setup any other Hall for the sellin
g of cloth.
This lease refers to the rebuilding of the old Halifax Cloth Hal
l at Hall End.
IBID page 97
Captain Furnessdied at Ovenden Hall, Nov. 12, 1717, and was bur
ied in the Halifax Parish Church.
He left two infant daughters, the eldest of whom, Jane, died Jul
y, 1720, aged about six years. Of Susannah, the second daughter
, the Northowram Register has the pathetic record, "Mrs. Furnac
e of Halifax buried her only little daughter, July 22, 1772." (1